Summary of Data and Biospecimen Resources


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A Case Controlled Etiologic Study of Sarcoidosis (ACCESS)

Epidemiology Study
June 1995 - March 2003
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, DNA, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Plasma

ACCESS examined the etiology of sarcoidosis, as well as socioeconomic variables and the clinical course of patients with sarcoidosis, including quality of life.

CHAT evaluated the efficacy of early adenotonsillectomy versus watchful waiting with supportive care, with respect to cognitive, behavioral, quality-of-life, and sleep factors in children with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD)

Clinical Trial
September 1999 – June 2009
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Urine

ACCORD investigated if intensive glycemic control, multiple lipid management, and intensive blood pressure control could prevent major cardiovascular events in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The EYE and MIND sub-studies additionally evaluated the interventions' effects on the progression of diabetic retinopathy and the brain (cognition and structure), respectively. The ACCORDION follow-up study examined the long-term effects of the ACCORD treatment strategies.

Activity Counseling Trial (ACT)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

ACT compared the effects on cardiorespiratory fitness of two physical activity counseling interventions with current recommended care in a primary care setting. The advice (control) group received physician advice based on national recommendations, the assistance group received the same advice and educational materials plus a counseling session, while the counseling group additionally received telephone based counseling at selected intervals.

ACS-QUIK assessed the implementation and effect of a locally-developed quality improvement toolkit on 30-day major adverse cardiovascular events for patients with acute coronary syndrome in Kerala, India.

Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Resources

ARDSNet is a consortium of clinical centers and a coordinating center intended to design and test novel therapies for the treatment of Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).

The Karma trial investigated the efficacy and safety of Ketoconazole and Respiratory Management in the treatment of ALI and ARDS. The ARMA component compared two ventilator strategies: a tidal volume of 6 mL/kg versus 12 mL/kg. The LARMA phase of the study investigated the efficacy of Lisofylline and Respiratory Management.

ARDSNet-ALTA tested the hypothesis that an aerosolized beta-2-agonist, albuterol, would improve clinical outcomes in patients with ALI and ARDS.

ARDSNet-Omega investigated if dietary supplementation of omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids, ?-linolenic acid and antioxidants to patients with ALI would increase ventilator-free days to study day 28.

ARDSNet-EDEN tested if initial lower-volume trophic enteral feeding would increase ventilator-free days and decrease gastrointestinal intolerances compared with initial full enteral feeding in ALI patients.

ARDSNet-SAILS assessed the efficacy and safety of oral rosuvastatin in patients with sepsis-induced ALI and test the hypothesis that rosuvastatin therapy would improve the clinical outcomes of critically ill patients with sepsis-associated ARDS.

Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Study 02 Late Steroid Rescue Study (LaSRS)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, BAL Slides, Bronchial Lavage, Plasma

ARDSNet-LASRS tested the effects of methylprednisolone, a corticosteroid, compared to placebo, on mortality at 60 days in patients with persistent ARDS.

ARDSNet-ALVEOLI compared clinical outcomes of patients with ALI and ARDS treated with a higher end-expiratory lung volume/lower FiO2 versus a lower end-expiratory lung volume/higher FiO2 ventilation strategy.

ARDSNet-FACTT evaluated the benefits and risks of Pulmonary Artery Catheters (PACs) in patients with established ALI by comparing hemodynamic management guided by a PAC with hemodynamic management guided by a central venous catheter.

Acute Venous Thrombosis: Thrombus Removal With Adjunctive Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis (ATTRACT)

Clinical Trial
November 2009 – January 2017
Resources: Data only

ATTRACT was designed to determine whether pharmacomechanical thrombolysis prevents post-thrombotic syndrome in patients with proximal deep-vein thrombosis.

Alpha1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Registry (AADR)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

AADR characterized the clinical and laboratory course of patients with severe alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency whether or not the patient is undergoing long-term augmentation therapy.

PACTG was a controlled Phase III trial designed to determine if HIVIG given to HIV-positive pregnant women during the second and third trimester of pregnancy reduced the likelihood of maternal-fetal HIV transmission.

Antiarrhythmics Versus Implantable Defibrillators (AVID)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

AVID evaluated whether the use of an implantable cardiac defibrillator results in reduction in total mortality, when compared with conventional pharmacological therapy, in patients resuscitated from sudden cardiac death who are otherwise at very high risk of mortality from arrhythmic causes.

Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT)

Clinical Trial
August 1993 - March 2002
Resources: Data only

The Hypertension Study component investigated whether treatment with a calcium channel blocker or an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor lowers the incidence of CHD or other CVD events vs. treatment with a diuretic. The Lipid Study component assessed whether pravastatin compared with usual care reduces all-cause mortality in older, moderately hypercholesterolemic, hypertensive participants with at least one additional CHD risk factor.

Aspirin-Myocardial Infarction Study (AMIS)

Clinical Trial
October 1974 - August 1979
Resources: Data only

AMIS tested whether the regular administration of aspirin to adults who had experienced at least one documented myocardial infarction would result in a significant reduction in total mortality over a three-year period.

Asthma Clinical Research Network (ACRN) Resources

ACRN was initiated to perform multiple controlled clinical trials for treating patients with asthma.

ACRN-BARGE examined the use of regularly scheduled albuterol treatment in asthma, in a genotype-stratified, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over trial in patients with mild asthma.

ACRN-BAGS tested the hypothesis that in patients with mild asthma, whose only asthma treatment is inhaled Beta-agonists, addition of regular inhaled Beta-agonist treatment to treatment on an "as needed only" basis will result in no effect on asthma control.

Asthma Clinical Research Network (ACRN) Colchicine In Moderate Asthma (CIMA)

Clinical Trial
February 1996 - June 1996
Resources: Data only

ACRN-CIMA tested the therapeutic benefit of colchicine as measured by maintenance of control when inhaled steroids are discontinued in patients with moderate asthma.

ACRN-DICE aimed to establish a reliable method to evaluate systemic bioavailability and to determine equisystemic effects in inhaled corticosteroids.

Asthma Clinical Research Network (ACRN) IMProving Asthma Control Trial (IMPACT)

Clinical Trial
May 2000 - May 2003
Resources: Data only

ACRN-IMPACT evaluated the efficacy of intermittent short-course corticosteroid treatment guided by a symptom-based action plan alone or in addition to daily treatment with either inhaled budesonide or oral zafirlukast over a one-year period.

ACRN-MICE compared the relative beneficial and systemic effects in a dose-response relationship for two inhaled corticosteroids: beclomethasone dipropionate and fluticasone propiante.

ACRN-PRICE evaluated potential biomarkers of predicting short-term response to inhaled corticosteroid with subsequent evaluation of responders and non-responders to asthma control over a longer interval.

ACRN-SOCS and ACRN-SLIC were concurrently managed clinical trials that investigated whether inhaled corticosteroid therapy can be reduced or eliminated in patients with persistent asthma after adding a long-acting beta 2-agonist to their treatment regimen.

ACRN-SLiMSIT evaluated the clinical efficacy of regular asthma treatment with the combination of a leukotriene receptor antagonist (montelukast) and a long-acting beta-agonist (salmeterol).

ACRN-SMOG evaluated if the response to an inhaled corticosteroid or a leukotriene receptor antagonist is attenuated in individuals with asthma who smoke.

ACRN-BASALT investigated if adjustment of inhaled corticosteroid therapy based on exhaled nitric oxide or day-to-day symptoms is superior to guideline-informed, physician assessment-based adjustment in preventing treatment failure in adults with mild to moderate asthma. ACRN-TALC examined the effectiveness of the medication tiotropium bromide combined with a low dose of inhaled corticosteroid at maintaining asthma control in people with moderately severe asthma.

Asthma Clinical Research Network Trial (ACRN) - Long-Acting Beta Agonist Response by Genotype (LARGE)

Clinical Trial
December 2004 – February 2008
Resources: Data only

ACRN-LARGE evaluated whether regularly scheduled use of an inhaled long-acting beta agonist (salmeterol) in the setting of concomitant use of inhaled corticosteroids would have a detrimental effect on asthma control in people who bear the B16 Arg/Arg genotype of the beta-2 adrenergic receptor gene.

Asthma Clinical Research Network Trial (ACRN) - Macrolides in Asthma (MIA)

Clinical Trial
July 2006 - March 2009
Resources: Data only

ACRN-MIA tested the hypothesis that clarithromycin would improve asthma control in individuals with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma that was not well-controlled despite treatment with low-dose inhaled corticosteroids.

AsthmaNet Resources

AsthmaNet is a nationwide clinical research network that developed and conducted multiple clinical trials that explore new approaches in treating asthma from childhood through adulthood.

The MICROBIOME study aimed to compare the bronchial bacterial microbiota in adults with steroid-naive atopic asthma, with atopy but no asthma, and non-atopic healthy subjects; and to determine whether inhaled corticosteroid treatment alters bronchial microbial community composition in adults with asthma.

The APRIL study evaluated the early administration of azithromycin in preschool children with recurrent severe lower respiratory tract illnesses and found that it reduced the likelihood of severe illness. The OCELOT study assessed the efficacy of oral corticosteroids in decreasing the severity of symptoms of children whose episode progressed to recurrent severe wheezing, but the trial was prematurely terminated due to a lack of feasibility.

AsthmaNet Best African American Response to Asthma Drugs (BARD)

Clinical Trial
February 2014 – July 2017
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA, Sputum

The BARD trials evaluated whether patients of African American heritage with inadequately controlled asthma benefit from the addition of a long-acting beta-agonist and/or increased glucocorticoids dosage in order to determine a preferred pharmacotherapy strategy in African American children, adolescents, and adults.

INFANT was designed to determine whether individual young children with mild persistent asthma responded better to one treatment than another and, if so, whether those children can be identified by phenotypic characteristics. AVICA compared the use of acetaminophen to the use of ibuprofen on asthma exacerbations among young children with mild persistent asthma.

AsthmaNet Proof of Concept Study of Alendronate for Asthma (ALFA)

Clinical Trial
January 2015 – September 2016
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma

ALFA aimed to determine whether alendronate can reduce long-acting beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonist-associated loss of bronchoprotection in inhaled corticosteroid-treated patients.

AsthmaNet Step-up Yellow Zone Inhaled Corticosteroids to Prevent Exacerbations (STICS)

Clinical Trial
July 2014-April 2017
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma

AsthmaNet-STICS was a double-blind, parallel-group trial that assessed the efficacy and safety of increasing the dose of inhaled glucocorticoids by a factor of 5 for 7 days in school-age children with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma at the early signs of loss of asthma control.

AsthmaNet Steroids in Eosinophil Negative Asthma (SIENA)

Clinical Trial
July 2014 – May 2018
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA, Sputum

SIENA was designed to compare an inhaled glucocorticoid with placebo and a long-acting muscarinic antagonist with placebo in patients with mild, persistent asthma, according to the patient's sputum eosinophil level at baseline.

AsthmaNet Vitamin D Add-on Therapy Enhances Corticosteroid Responsiveness in Asthma (VIDA)

Clinical Trial
April 2011 – January 2014
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA, Sputum

VIDA was designed to evaluate if vitamin D supplementation would improve the clinical efficacy of inhaled corticosteroids in patients with symptomatic asthma and lower vitamin D levels.

Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot Study (ACIP)

Clinical Trial
November 1990 - June 1997
Resources: Data only

ACIP investigated three treatment strategies for asymptomatic cardiac ischemia: angina-guided medical strategy, angina-guided plus AECG ischemia-guided medical strategy, and revascularization by angioplasty or bypass surgery.

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

The main objectives of ARIC are to 1) investigate associations of factors with prevalence of atherosclerosis and incidence of CHD, clinical stroke and other CVD; and 2) measure CVD occurrence and trends and relate these to community levels of, and changes in, risk factors, medical care and atherosclerosis. Data from the first eight examination cycles, annual follow-up for years 2-32, events through 2019, and select ancillary studies are available.

AIM-HIGH tested the hypothesis that patients with atherosclerotic CVD optimally treated on a statin but with residual atherogenic dyslipidemia would benefit from the addition of extended release niacin with fewer cardiovascular events.

AFFIRM compared total mortality between two treatment strategies for atrial fibrillation: maintenance of sinus rhythm, or ventricular response rate control.

Best Endovascular vs. Best Surgical Therapy in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia (BEST-CLI)

Clinical Trial
August 2014 – March 2022
Resources: Data only

The BEST-CLI trial was initiated to determine whether endovascular revascularization was superior to surgical revascularization in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Beta-Blocker Evaluation in Survival Trial (BEST)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

BEST evaluated whether bucindolol hydrochloride, a nonselective beta-adrenergic blocker and mild vasodilator, would reduce the rate of death among patients with advanced heart failure, and to assess its effects in various demographic subgroups.

Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial (BHAT)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

BHAT tested whether the regular administration of propranolol hydrochloride to adults who had experienced at least one myocardial infarction would result in a significant reduction in total mortality during a two- to four-year period.

Blood and Marrow Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) Resources

The BMT CTN was established in October 2001 to conduct large multi-institutional clinical trials and address important issues in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in order to enhance treatment approaches.

The BMT CTN-1102 study was designed to evaluate the relative benefits of reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic HCT compared to non-transplant therapies in older patients with higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome.

BMT CTN 0604 examine the safety and effectiveness of a non-myeloablative stem cell transplant using umbilical cord blood as a treatment option for patients with leukemia or lymphoma and no suitable related donor.

BMT CTN 1101 compared the effectiveness of two new types of bone marrow transplants in people with leukemia or lymphoma: one that uses bone marrow donated from family members with only partially matched bone marrow (haplo-BM); and one that uses two partially matched cord blood units (dUCB).

BMT CTN 0802 explored the difference in response and survival rates for individuals with acute graft versus host disease who received mycophenolate mofetil plus corticosteroids versus corticosteroids alone.

The BMT CTN 1203 trial was initiated to evaluate three novel approaches for graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis compared to a contemporary control.

BMT CTN 0701 evaluated the effectiveness of reduced intensity conditioning in the procedure called non-myeloablative allogeneic blood stem cell transplant for people with relapsed follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

BMT CTN 0402 investigated if the combination of tacrolimus and sirolimus (Tac/Sir) was more effective than tacrolimus and methotrexate (Tac/Mtx) in preventing acute graft-versus-host disease and early mortality after allogeneic related donor hematopoietic cell transplantation.

The BMT CTN 1501 study was initiated to estimate the difference in day 28 complete response/partial response rates for sirolimus vs prednisone as initial treatment of patients with standard risk acute graft-versus-host disease.

BMT CTN 0102 compared progression-free survival of patients with multiple myeloma biologically assigned to receive autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation followed either a second auto HCT or by allogeneic transplantation. Patients within the tandem autologous transplantation arm were randomized to receive one year of maintenance therapy with thalidomide plus dexamethasone or observation.

The BMT CTN 0903 study assessed the feasibility and safety of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in HIV-infected patients. The primary endpoint was 100-day non-relapse mortality.

BMT CTN 0603 compared survivorship of recipients who received a bone marrow transplant, using the reduced intensity conditioning transplant technique, from a related and partially matched donor. This trial ran in parallel with BMT CTN 0604.

The purpose of the BMT CTN 1301 study was to compare chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease after hematopoietic cell transplant between two calcineurin inhibitor free interventions and a tacrolimus/methotrexate control in patients with HLA-matched donors.

BMT CTN 0201 compared survival rates of patients with hematologic cancers that received transplantation of granulocyte colony stimulating factor mobilized peripheral blood stem cells versus marrow from HLA-compatible unrelated donors.

BMT CTN 0301 was designed to determine the feasibility and toxicity of employing fludarabine-based conditioning to reduce transplant-related toxicity while maintaining (or ideally improving) engraftment in allogeneic donor marrow transplantation from matched and mismatched unrelated donors in patients with severe aplastic anemia.

The BMT CTN 1302 study was initiated to evaluate the efficacy of ixazomib maintenance therapy after reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem-cell transplantation from HLA-matched donors in patients with high-risk multiple myeloma.

The BMT CTN 1502 study was a prospective, multicenter phase II study with patients receiving haploidentical transplantation for severe aplastic anemia. The study resulted in excellent overall survival with minimal GVHD in patients who were refractory or relapsed after immunosuppressive therapy.

The BMT CTN 1202 study aimed to establish accurate and reproducible methods to diagnose, grade, and report graft-versus-host disease in patients post-hematopoietic cell transplantation.

BMT-CTN 0801 was a phase II/III trial designed to compare the responses of patients with graft-versus-host disease who received sirolimus/calcineurin inhibitor plus prednisone versus sirolimus plus prednisone.

BMT CTN 0902 was designed to determine whether self-directed exercise and/or stress management improves self-reported physical and mental functioning compared to standard care in patients following autologous or allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.

BMT CTN 0403 was designed to determine the response and survival rate of patients with idiopathic pneumonia syndrome post allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, following treatment with etanercept plus corticosteroids compared to placebo plus corticosteroids.

BMT CTN-0901 was a phase III randomized clinical trial designed to determine if reduced-intensity conditioning would result in improved overall survival given the lower treatment-related mortality compared with myeloablative conditioning in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia.

BMT CTN-1703 was a Phase 3 study comparing two graft-vs.-host-disease prophylaxis strategies in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after reduced-intensity conditioning. This study was a follow up to BMT CTN-1203.

The BMT CTN-0702 study was initiated to compare tandem autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (AHCT) followed by lenalidomide maintenance, AHCT plus four cycles of lenalidomide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone (RVD) followed by lenalidomide, and AHCT and lenalidomide only in improving progression free survival for patients with active multiple myeloma.

BMT CTN 0101 was designed as a Phase III study of fluconazole versus voriconazole for the prevention of fungal infections in allogeneic transplant recipients.

BMT CTN 0803 was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation for HIV positive patients with chemotherapy-sensitive aggressive B cell lymphoma or Hodgkin's HIV-Related Lymphoma who received carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan (BEAM) as the pre-transplant conditioning regimen.

BMT CTN-0501 was designed to determine whether two partially HLA-matched umbilical cord-blood (UCB) units were better than one at improving one-year survival in pediatric patients with high risk leukemia or myelodysplasia.

The BMT CTN-1401 study was initiated to compare response at one year post-transplant between participants receiving dendritic cell/myeloma vaccine along with granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and lenalidomide maintenance therapy to those receiving lenalidomide maintenance therapy with or without GM-CSF.

BMT CTN 0302 evaluated the effectiveness of each of four new drugs (etanercept, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), denileukin diftitox (denileukin), and pentostatin) in combination with corticosteroids, as initial therapy for acute graft-versus-host disease.

BMT CTN 0401 compared progression-free survival after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for chemotherapy-sensitive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma using Rituxan/BEAM versus Bexxar/BEAM for pre-transplant conditioning.

BMT CTN 1204 tested the safety and efficacy of intermediate timing (day -14) of alemtuzumab as part of a reduced-intensity conditioning protocol in subjects with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and other primary immunodeficiencies.

BMT CTN 0601 was a phase II, single arm, multi-center trial designed to estimate the efficacy and toxicity of unrelated donor HCT using a reduced-intensity conditioning regimen in pediatric patients with Sickle Cell Disease and high-risk features.

Bogalusa Heart Study (BHS)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

BHS investigated the early natural history of CVD in a cohort of children and young adults in a biracial, semirural community.

BRIDGE sought to determine if bridging anticoagulation is necessary for patients with atrial fibrillation who need an interruption in warfarin treatment for an elective operation or other elective invasive procedure.

Broccoli Sprouts Extracts Trial (BEST-COPD)

Clinical Trial
September 2010-July 2013
Resources: Data only

BEST-COPD aimed to establish a safe and tolerable dose of sulforaphane that effects in vivo antioxidants via Nrf2 for development as a potential novel treatment for patients with COPD.

Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation (BARI)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

BARI compared survival in patients with multivessel disease and severe angina or ischemia randomized to receive either percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting.

Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation in Type 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D)

Clinical Trial
9/2000 – 3/2009
Resources: Data only

BARI 2D evaluated two cardiac treatment strategies (prompt revascularization vs. medical therapy alone) and two glycemic treatment strategies (insulin sensitization vs. insulin provision) in patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes.

Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

CAST investigated the efficacy and safety of arrhythmia suppression therapy in patients with asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic ventricular arrhythmia after myocardial infarction.

Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CTSN) Resources

The CTSN was implemented to design, conduct, and analyze multiple, collaborative clinical trials that evaluate surgical interventions, and related management approaches, for the treatment of CVD in adult patients.

CTSN-SMR compared the degree of left ventricular reverse remodeling in patients with severe ischemic mitral regurgitation who had either mitral valve repair or mitral valve replacement surgery.

The CTSN-NP study was initiated to compare the efficacy and adverse effects of two cerebral embolic protection devices versus a shared control group in reducing ischemic central nervous system injury during surgical aortic valve replacement.

CTSN-POAF compared the therapeutic strategies of rate control versus rhythm control in cardiac surgery patients who develop in-hospital postoperative atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter.

The CTSN-AFB study assessed the effect of surgical ablation, as well as the effects of two different ablation procedures, on the recurrence of atrial fibrillation in participants with persistent or long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation who were undergoing mitral-valve surgery.

The CTSN-MMR study was initiated to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adding mitral-valve repair to coronary-artery bypass grafting for patients with moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation.

CTSN/CCTRN-LVAD tested the safety and efficacy of injecting mesenchymal precursor cells during implantation of a left ventricular assist device.

Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network (CCTRN) Resources

The CCTRN is a network dedicated to studying stem cell therapy for treating heart disease. The goals of the Network are to complete research studies that will potentially lead to more effective treatments for patients with cardiovascular disease, and to share knowledge quickly with the healthcare community.

A phase-1 clinical trial to test the safety and feasibility of delivering allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells (allo-MSCs) transendocardially in subjects with anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy (AIC). The SENECA trial laid the groundwork for phase-2 trials.

CCTRN LateTIME determined if intracoronary delivery of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells improves global and regional left-ventricular function when delivered 2-3 weeks following first myocardial infarction.

CONCERT-HF assessed the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of autologous mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and c-kit positive cardiac cells (CPCs), alone or in combination, in patients with ischemic heart failure.

CCTRN PACE assessed safety and efficacy of autologous bone marrow-derived aldehyde dehydrogenase bright cells in patients with peripheral artery disease and to explore associated claudication physiologic mechanisms.

CCTRN FOCUS was the largest cell therapy trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and LV dysfunction with heart failure and/or angina.

CCTRN TIME investigated the timing of intracoronary autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell delivery within the first week following reperfusion in a high-risk ST-elevation myocardial infarction cohort.

Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS)

Epidemiology Study
June 1988 - May 2009
Resources: Data only

The goals of CHS were to examine the extent to which known risk factors predict CHD and stroke in the elderly, assess the precipitants of CHD and stroke in the elderly, and identify the predictors of mortality and functional impairments in clinical CHD or stroke.

Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal Atherosclerotic Lesions (CORAL)

Clinical Trial
April 2004 – September 2013
Resources: Data only

CORAL compared the incidence of cardiovascular and renal adverse events for medical therapy alone with medical therapy plus renal-artery stenting in patients with atherosclerotic renal-artery stenosis and elevated blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, or both.

Catheter Ablation Versus Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation Trial (CABANA)

Clinical Trial
November 2009 – December 2017
Resources: Data only

The CABANA study was initiated to determine whether catheter ablation is more effective than conventional medical therapy for improving outcomes in patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation.

Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP)

Clinical Trial
September 1991 – March 2012
Resources: Data only

CAMP evaluated whether continuous, long-term treatment with either an inhaled corticosteroid or an inhaled noncorticosteroid drug safely produces an improvement in lung growth as compared with treatment for symptoms only. The three continuation studies extended follow-up of the clinical trial cohort for an additional 4.5, 3.75, and 4 years respectively to observe asthma progression.

Childhood Asthma Research and Education (CARE) Network Resources

The CARE Network was created to conduct multiple, well-designed clinical trials for rapid evaluation of new and existing therapeutic approaches to asthma and to disseminate laboratory and clinical findings to the health care community.

CARE-CLIC evaluated if response to inhaled corticosteroids and leukotriene receptor antagonists is similar in children with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma, or if children who do not respond to one medication respond to the other.

The CARE-AIMS study compared the effectiveness of episodic use of an inhaled corticosteroid and a leukotriene receptor antagonist on reduction of morbidity in preschoolers with moderate-to-severe intermittent wheezing.

The CARE-BADGER study compared the effectiveness of a higher dose of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), ICS combined with a long-acting beta-agonist medication, and ICS combined with a leukotriene receptor antagonist medication at reducing the impact and severity of asthma exacerbations that occur in children with mild to moderate persistent asthma.

The CARE-MARS study aimed to determine if azithromycin or montelukast use would allow reduction of inhaled corticosteroids in children with moderate to severe persistent asthma.

Childhood Asthma Research and Education (CARE) Network Trial - Pediatric Asthma Controller Trial (PACT)

Clinical Trial
August 2002 – September 2004
Resources: Data only

The CARE-PACT study was designed to determine whether, in children with mild to moderate persistent asthma, similar or greater asthma control could be obtained with a regimen of a LABA and half the dose of an ICS known to be effective compared to an ICS alone or a LTRA.

The CARE-PEAK study investigated whether inhaled corticosteroids modified the subsequent development of asthma in preschool children at high risk for asthma.

CARE TREXA assessed the effectiveness of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) combinations for long term asthma control and exacerbations in pediatric patients.

The CARE-MIST study aimed to determine whether a daily low-dose regimen of budesonide would be superior to an intermittent high-dose regimen in preschool aged children who had positive values on the modified asthma predictive index along with recurrent wheezing.

The COPTR consortium ran 4 independent trials. NET-Works was designed to evaluate a multicomponent obesity prevention intervention among diverse, low-income preschoolers. GROW was designed to test the effect of a multicomponent behavioral intervention on child BMI growth trajectories among preschool-age children at risk for obesity. IMPACT was designed to evaluate the effects of two family-based obesity management interventions on BMI in low-income children who were overweight or obese. Stanford GOALS was designed to test the effects of a community-based, multi-component, multi-level, multi-setting approach for treating overweight and obese children.

Choosing Healthy Options in College Environments and Settings (CHOICES)

Clinical Trial
March 2011-May 2014
Resources: Data only

CHOICES examined the effectiveness of a 24-month weight gain prevention intervention to positively affect body mass index (BMI) in 2-year college students.

Clarification of Optimal Anticoagulation Through Genetics (COAG)

Clinical Trial
September 2009 – November 2013
Resources: Data, DNA

COAG tested whether genotype-guided dosing of warfarin improves anticoagulation control during the first 4 weeks of therapy when compared to clinical-guided dosing.

Claudication: Exercise Versus Endoluminal Revascularization (CLEVER)

Clinical Trial
February 2007 – July 2013
Resources: Data only

CLEVER compared the effectiveness of aortic stent surgery versus exercise therapy in individuals with aortoiliac insufficiency.

Clinical Study of Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

IPPB evaluated the efficacy of long-term intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment when used as an adjunct to the overall care of ambulatory outpatients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as compared to use of a powered nebulizer.

Colchicine Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 Trial (COLCORONA)

Clinical Trial
March 2020 – January 2021
Resources: Data only

The COLCORONA study aimed to investigate the effect of colchicine on the composite of COVID-19-related death or hospital admission in community-treated patients.

Collaboration Among Pharmacists and Physicians to Improve Outcomes Now (CAPTION)

Clinical Trial
January 2010 - March 2014
Resources: Data only

Using a physician/pharmacist collaborative management (PPCM) approach to patient care, CAPTION investigated if blood pressure control of ethnically diverse and geographically distributed populations, could be better managed. In an asthma sub-study, researchers also investigated if using a PPCM approach could reduce the number of emergency department visits and hospitalizations.

Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease (CSSCD)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, DNA, Serum

CSSCD examined the natural history of sickle cell disease from birth to death in order to identify factors contributing to the morbidity and mortality of the disease. Biospecimens from adult subjects who attended the 2A follow-up study are available for request. Phase 2A of the study examined the progression of organ damage in the heart, lung, kidney and liver in adult cohort patients enrolled in phase 1 of the study.

Cord Blood Transplantation Study (COBLT)

Epidemiology Study
March 1999 - December 2003
Resources: Data only

COBLT investigated if banked unrelated donor umbilical cord blood could serve as an adequate hematopoietic stem cell source for adults and children with malignancies, immune deficiencies, inherited marrow failure, or inborn errors of metabolism.

Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

CARDIA was designed to increase understanding of contributors to changes in CVD risk factors during the critical years of transition from young adulthood to middle age.

Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

CASS included a randomized trial component and a registry of patients undergoing angiography. The primary objective of the registry was to provide information regarding the effects of coronary artery surgery on patients with ischemic heart disease within the clinical course of treatment. The randomized component investigated the short and long term effects of surgical versus medical interventions in patients with a reduced ejection fraction and significant coronary artery disease.

Coronary Drug Project (CDP)

Clinical Trial
April 1965 – March 1985
Resources: Data only

The main objective of the Coronary Drug Project was to test efficacy and safety of several lipid-influencing drugs in the long-term therapy of coronary heart disease in men who had a previous myocardial infarction.

Coupons for Healthy Intake Using Variable Economic Strategies (CHIVES)

Clinical Trial
December 2016 – October 2018
Resources: Data only

The CHIVES study tested whether food vouchers redeemable only for fruit and vegetable purchases would improve fruit and vegetable consumption more than vouchers redeemable for any food and whether food vouchers redeemable only in one-week increments would improve fruit and vegetable consumption more than vouchers redeemable in monthly increments.

The overarching goals of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research registry are to study trends in transplantations and to advance the understanding and application of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for malignant and non-malignant diseases.

Cure Sickle Cell Initiative (CureSCi) - Sickle Cell Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank (SCBank)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: CD34+ Cells, CD34- Cells

The goal of the study is to generate a Sickle Cell Disease peripheral blood stem cell repository. Volunteer sickle cell disease patients were mobilized with plerixafor and peripheral blood stem cells were collected by apheresis.

PLADO was designed to evaluate the effect of prophylactic platelet transfusion dose on bleeding in patients with hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)

Clinical Trial
1993 - 1997
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine

DASH tested the effects of dietary patterns characterized by high intakes of certain minerals and fiber associated with low blood pressure compared with each other and with a control dietary pattern mirroring US consumption.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension - Sodium Study (DASH-Sodium)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine

As a follow-up to DASH, DASH-Sodium tested the effects of two dietary patterns and three sodium intake levels on blood pressure in pre-hypertensive and stage 1 hypertensive adults.

Dietary Effects on Lipoproteins and Thrombogenic Activity (DELTA)

Clinical Trial
September 1992 – May 1995
Resources: Data only

The DELTA Study was initiated to evaluate the effects of the type and amount of dietary fat on lipids, lipoproteins, and hemostatic factors in healthy individuals as well as individuals at high risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Dietary Intervention Study in Children (DISC)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Serum

DISC evaluated the efficacy and safety of a lipid lowering diet in 8 to 10 year old children with elevated LDL cholesterol after at least 3 years of follow-up.

Dietary Intervention Study in Children Follow-Up Study (DISC06)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Whole Blood

The DISC06 follow-up study examined the long-term effects of an intervention to lower fat intake among adolescent girls on biomarkers that are related to breast cancer risk in adults.

Digitalis Investigation Group (DIG)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

DIG assessed the effect of increasing age on mortality, hospitalizations, and digoxin side effects in patients with heart failure, as well as whether the effect of digoxin on clinical outcomes varies as a function of age.

CPAP evaluated whether 12 weeks of nocturnal CPAP use would decrease the concentration of methacholine necessary to reduce FEV1 by 20% (PC20) in asthma patients.

EPIC investigated the efficacy and safety of four antipseudomonal treatments in children with cystic fibrosis with recently acquired Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.

e-Moms Roc aimed to expand the understanding of how to slow the accumulation of weight in childbearing women by developing, implementing, and evaluating electronically mediated patient intervention programs for pregnant and postpartum women.

Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Patients (ENRICHD)

Clinical Trial
September 1995 - September 2005
Resources: Data only

The objective of ENRICHD was to determine whether mortality and recurrent infarction are reduced by treatment of depression and low perceived social support with cognitive behavior therapy, supplemented with an SSRI antidepressant when indicated, in patients enrolled within 28 days after myocardial infarction.

ESCAPE tested whether pulmonary artery catheter use was safe and could improve clinical outcomes in patients hospitalized with recurrent heart failure.

Framingham Heart Study (FHS) Offspring (OS) and OMNI 1 Cohorts

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

FHS-OS enrolled offspring of the original cohort. Starting in 1994, the OMNI 1 cohort enrolled a new group of participants to reflect the ethnic diversity of the Framingham community. Data from the first 9 clinical exams, selected ancillary studies, event follow-up through 2017, and the first 4 exams from the OMNI 1 cohort are available.

FHS-Gen III enrolled adults with at least one parent enrolled in the Offspring study. The New Offspring Cohort enrolled spouses of Offspring participants that were not otherwise enrolled and had at least two biological children participating in Gen III. The OMNI 2 cohort enrolled additional ethnically diverse participants, including individuals related to OMNI 1 participants. Data from the first 2 clinical exams, selected ancillary studies, and event follow-up through 2018 are available.

Framingham Heart Study-Cohort (FHS-Cohort)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

FHS is an ongoing, prospective effort to study the incidence and prevalence of CVD and its risk factors, trends in CVD incidence and its risk factors over time, and familial patterns of CVD and risk factors. The study randomly sampled 2/3 of the adult population of Framingham, Massachusetts and continues to examine participants every two years. Data from the first 32 clinical exams, selected ancillary studies, and event follow-up through 2017 are available.

FOCUS tested the hypothesis that a higher threshold for blood transfusion would improve functional recovery and reduce morbidity and mortality, as compared with a more restrictive transfusion strategy.

Global Health Centers of Excellence (GHCoE) Resources

The GHCoE established Centers of Excellence in low- and middle-income countries to conduct research in noncommunicable cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

Global Health Centers of Excellence (GHCoE) Argentina

Epidemiology Study
January 2011 – June 2014 (Protocol 1); January 2013 – March 2014 (Protocol 2)
Resources: Data only

GHCoE-Argentina was a multi-protocol initiative that investigated (1) the prevalence and distribution of risk factors, as well as the incidence of cardiovascular and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Latin American population, and (2) whether exposure to indoor air pollution affects lower respiratory tract infections and pregnancy outcomes in locations with high exposure to biomass fuel use.

Global Health Centers of Excellence (GHCoE) China

Clinical Trial
December 2010 – June 2014 (CRHI); January 2012 – September 2015 (SimCard)
Resources: Data only

GHCoE-China was a multi-protocol initiative that evaluated the effects of several low-cost CVD prevention and management programs in rural villages of China and India.

Global Health Centers of Excellence (GHCoE) Guatemala

Clinical Trial/Epidemiology Study
December 2010 - May 2014 (Protocol 1) June 2010 - August 2010 (Protocol 2: Phase 1) August 2010 - December 2010 (Protocol 2: Phase 2) March 2011 - October 2011 (Protocol 2: Phase 3) May 2011 - January 2014 (Protocol 3) May 2011 - February 2014 (Protocol 4)
Resources: Data only

GHCoE-Guatemala was a multi-protocol initiative with children and adults of Mesoamerica that (1) assessed the prevalence of CVD dietary risk factors, (2) explored the feasibility and acceptability of a community-based intervention aimed to promote healthy lifestyles, (3) validated a primary care intervention model for CVD prevention in patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, and (3) evaluated the effectiveness of using mobile health technology to prevent hypertension in high risk individuals.

Global Health Centers of Excellence (GHCoE) New Delhi

Clinical Trial/Epidemiology Study
October 2010 – May 2014 (CARRS Surveillance); October 2010 – June 2014 (CARRS Translational Trial); 2014 – 2017 (Solan Surveillance Study)
Resources: Data only

GHCoE-New Delhi was a multi-protocol initiative in South East Asia and India that (1) developed a model surveillance system for cardio-metabolic diseases and their risk factors, and (2) evaluated a comprehensive health care intervention to reduce CVD risk among type 2 diabetes patients.

Global Health Centers of Excellence (GHCoE) South Africa

Clinical Trial
January 2011 – March 2014 (Protocol 1); January 2012 – March 2014 (Protocol 2)
Resources: Data only

GHCoE-South Africa was a multi-protocol initiative that (1) enhanced the identification and optimal management of chronic diseases and their risk factors in underserved communities of South Africa, and (2) evaluated the effectiveness of training Community Health Workers to identify individuals at high risk for CVD in community settings in South Africa, Bangladesh, Guatemala, and Mexico.

Guiding Evidence Based Therapy Using Biomarker Intensified Treatment in Heart Failure (GUIDE-IT)

Clinical Trial
December 2012 – September 2016
Resources: Data only

GUIDE-IT was designed to determine whether an NT-pro-BNP-guided treatment strategy improves clinical outcomes compared to usual care in high-risk patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction.

Healthy Communities Study (HCS)

Epidemiology Study
2010 - 2016
Resources: Data only

HCS examined the relationships between characteristics of community programs and policies in preventing childhood obesity.

Heart Failure Network (HFN) Resources

The HFN is a clinical research initiative with the aim of conducting multiple clinical trials to evaluate treatments and strategies to improve management of acute and chronic heart failure.

Heart Failure Network (HFN) - EntrestoTM (LCZ696) In Advanced Heart Failure (LIFE)

Clinical Trial
March 2017 – March 2020
Resources: Data only

The HFN-LIFE trial was initiated to compare treatment with sacubitril/valsartan versus valsartan alone in patients with advanced heart failure, reduced ejection fraction and recent New York Heart Association class IV symptoms.

The ATHENA-HF trial was conducted to test the hypothesis that using high-dose spironolactone in patients with acute heart failure would have a beneficial effect.

HFN-CARRESS examined the effectiveness of ultrafiltration compared with a strategy of diuretic-based stepped pharmacologic therapy on renal function and weight loss in patients with heart failure who have worsening renal function and persistent congestion.

Heart Failure Network (HFN) Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation in Acute Heart Failure (DOSE AHF)

Clinical Trial
February 2008 – February 2010
Resources: Data only

HFN-DOSE AHF evaluated the most effective dosing (high vs. low) and administration (continuous infusion vs. intermittent boluses) combination of the diuretic Furosemide in the treatment of patients with acute decompensated heart failure.

Heart Failure Network (HFN) Functional Impact of GLP-1 for Heart Failure Treatment (FIGHT)

Clinical Trial
April 2013-October 2015
Resources: Data only

The HFN-FIGHT trial investigated whether therapy with a GLP-1 agonist improves clinical stability in patients with established heart failure and reduced LVEF who were recently hospitalized.

Heart Failure Network (HFN) Inorganic Nitrite Delivery to Improve Exercise Capacity in HFpEF (INDIE)

Clinical Trial
August 2016 – December 2017
Resources: Data only

The HFN-INDIE study was initiated to determine the effect of inhaled, nebulized inorganic nitrite on exercise capacity in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

HFN-NEAT examined the effect of isosorbide mononitrate on daily activity in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction.

Heart Failure Network (HFN) Oral Iron Repletion Effects on Oxygen Uptake in Heart Failure (IRONOUT)

Clinical Trial
September 2014 – April 2016
Resources: Data only

The HFN-IRONOUT study investigated whether, compared to placebo, oral iron repletion in heart failure patients with iron deficiency improves exercise capacity after 16 weeks of therapy.

HFN-RELAX tested the hypothesis that chronic phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor therapy with sildenafil would improve exercise capacity and clinical status in heart failure patients with normal ejection fraction.

HFN-ROSE tested the two independent hypotheses that when compared to placebo, the addition of: (1) low dose dopamine; or (2) low dose nesiritide to diuretic therapy would enhance decongestion and preserve renal function in patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction.

HFN-EXACT HF examined the effect of allopurinol after 24 weeks of treatment on clinical status in patients with heart failure and high uric acid levels.

Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training (HF-ACTION)

Clinical Trial
April 2003 – July 2008
Resources: Data only

HF-ACTION examined whether exercise training reduces a composite endpoint of all-cause mortality or all-cause hospitalization for patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and heart failure symptoms.

Heart Healthy Lenoir Project (HHL)

Clinical Trial
September 2011 to October 2014
Resources: Data only

HHL included two concurrent interventional studies. The primary goal of the High Blood Pressure study was to investigate ways to better control hypertension and reduce blood pressure disparities between African Americans and Caucasians. The Lifestyle Change study aimed to reduce risks associated with CVD by using behavioral modification techniques.

Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study (HEIRS)

Epidemiology Study
January 2000 - January 2006
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, DNA, Dried Buffy Coat, Lymphocytes, Plasma, Serum

HEIRS evaluated the prevalence, genetic, and environmental determinants and potential clinical, personal, and societal impact of iron overload and hereditary hemochromatosis in adults.

HIT-RADIO was a retrospective analysis of positive heparin-PF4 antibody subjects to determine the time to occurrence of a composite triple endpoint of death, limb amputation/gangrene, and new thrombosis.

High Frequency Ventilation in Premature Infants (HIFI)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

HIFI evaluated the hypothesis that high frequency oscillatory ventilation in preterm infants would reduce the incidence of mortality and pulmonary complications compared to conventional mechanical ventilation.

Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos (HCHS-SOL)

Epidemiology Study
01/2006 –
Resources: Data only

HCHS-SOL is an ongoing study that aims to describe the prevalence of major CVD risk factors and CVD among US Hispanic/Latino individuals, examine the relationships of socioeconomic status and acculturation with CVD risk profiles and CVD, and assess cross-sectional associations of CVD risk factors with CVD. Additional data are available from the SOLNAS, SUENO, Sociocultural, and Youth ancillary studies.

Honolulu Heart Program (HHP)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum

HHP investigated environmental and biological causes of morbidity and mortality from CHD and stoke among Japanese Americans living in Honolulu in comparison to other populations.

Hydroxyurea to Prevent Organ Damage in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia (BABY HUG) Phase III Clinical Trial and Follow-Up Observational Studies I and II

Clinical Trial
August 2000 – September 2009 (Randomized Controlled Trial) August 2008 – December 2011 (Follow-Up Study I) January 2012 – December 2016 (Follow-Up Study II)
Resources: Data, DNA

BABY HUG consists of a randomized controlled trial and two observational follow-up studies. The trial found that hydroxyurea can be considered safe and effective for all very young children with sickle cell anemia.

Hypertension Detection and Follow-Up Program (HDFP)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

HDFP was designed to test the efficacy of antihypertensive therapy in reducing all-cause mortality in a population-based study.

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Network (IPFnet) Resources

IPFnet is a network of research centers dedicated to the study of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).

IPFNet-ACE IPF hypothesized that treatment with warfarin at recognized therapeutic doses would reduce rates of mortality, hospitalization, and declines in Forced Vital Capacity in subjects with IPF.

IPFNet-PANTHER IPF evaluated the effectiveness of a drug combination of prednisone, azathioprine, and N-acetylcysteine in the treatment of mild-to-moderate IPF compared to N-acetylcysteine alone or placebo.

IPFNet-STEP IPF evaluated if treatment with sildenafil would improve walk distance, dyspnea, and quality of life in patients with advanced IPF.

Improved Cardiovascular Risk Reduction to Enhance Rural Primary Care (ICARE)

Clinical Trial
March 2014-November 2016
Resources: Data only

ICARE evaluated whether a centralized, remote, clinical pharmacy service could improve guideline adherence and secondary measures of cardiovascular risk in primary care offices in rural and small communities.

Improving Outcomes After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (ICU-RESUS)

Clinical Trial
October 2016 – March 2021
Resources: Data only

The ICU-RESUS study evaluated if a bundled intervention comprising physiologically focused CPR training at the point of care and structured clinical event debriefings, compared with usual care, improves outcomes in children that experience in-hospital cardiac arrest.

The iCOMPARE trial aimed to compare all-cause mortality of patients cared for by trainees in internal-medicine residency programs with either standard duty hours or flexible duty hours. The Time and Motion substudy additionally aimed to determine the amount of time trainees spend on direct patient care and education. The Sleep and Alertness substudy aimed to determine the sleepiness of trainees.

Innovative Approaches for Diet, Exercise, and Activity (IDEA)

Clinical Trial
September 2010 – November 2014
Resources: Data only

IDEA tested the hypothesis that, compared with a standard behavioral weight loss intervention, a technology-enhanced intervention would result in greater weight loss.

Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (Intermacs)

Epidemiology Study
June 2005 - December 31, 2017
Resources: Data only

Intermacs and Pedimacs are North American data registries of adults and children who received an FDA approved mechanical circulatory support device (MCSD) due to advanced heart failure, with the goal of advancing the understanding and application of MCSDs in order to improve the patient's duration and quality of life. Data from the Medical Arm of Mechanical Circulatory Support (MedaMACS) Study is also available.

International Study of Comparative Health Effectiveness with Medical and Invasive Approaches (ISCHEMIA) and ISCHEMIA - Chronic Kidney Disease (ISCHEMIA - CKD)

Clinical Trial
July 2012 – May 2023 (ISCHEMIA) January 2014 – July 2020 (ISCHEMIA-CKD)
Resources: Data only

The ISCHEMIA trial and ISCHEMIA-CKD trials were initiated to determine whether an initial invasive strategy of cardiac catheterization and optimal revascularization, if feasible, in addition to optimal medical therapy, will reduce major adverse cardiovascular events compared with an initial conservative strategy of optimal medical therapy alone. Participants in ISCHEMIA had stable ischemic heart disease and moderate or severe ischemia, participants in ISCHEMIA-CKD also had advanced kidney disease.

Lipid Research Clinics (LRC) Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (CPPT)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

LRC-CPPT tested the efficacy of cholesterol lowering in reducing risk of CHD and examined evidence for a causal role of these lipids in the pathogenesis of CHD.

Lipid Research Clinics (LRC) Prevalence Study (PS)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

LRC-PS conducted a standardized series of cross-sectional surveys to determine the prevalence of dyslipidemias and describe the distributions of lipids and lipoproteins in major ethnic and social groups. The Family Study portion was designed to obtain knowledge of the distribution of lipids and lipoproteins among family members and of the association of familial and genetic attributes to dyslipoproteinemias.

Long-term Oxygen Treatment Trial (LOTT)

Clinical Trial
January 2009- August 2015
Resources: Data only

LOTT evaluated the efficacy of long-term treatment with supplemental oxygen in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and resting or exercise-induced moderate desaturation.

Longitudinal Studies of HIV-Associated Lung Infections and Complications (Lung HIV)

Epidemiology Study
September 2007 – June 2012
Resources: Data only

Lung HIV was an initiative established to expedite the data and specimen collection results of eight different HIV and pulmonary studies operated under NHLBI. The project used these existing studies to create a foundation for future research and provide further insight on the relationship between pulmonary disease and HIV infection.

Losartan Effects on Emphysema Progression (LEEP)

Clinical Trial
May 2017 – June 2021
Resources: Data only

The LEEP study was initiated to evaluate the efficacy of the angiotensin receptor blocker losartan on reducing the progression of emphysema in participants with COPD and mild to moderate emphysema.

Lung Health Study (LHS)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

LHS examined the effects of Special Care, compared to Usual Care, on rate of decline in pulmonary function in cigarette smokers. Additionally, the study examined if participants with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who were assigned to inhaled corticosteroids had a lower rate of decline in lung function and lower incidence of respiratory morbidity. The study also evaluated the long-term effects of smoking cessation and continued smoking in subjects with early COPD.

Lung Tissue Research Consortium (LTRC)

Epidemiology Study
March 2005 – February 2019
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Tissue - FFPE Cassettes, Tissue - RNALater Frozen, Tissue - Snap Frozen

The LTRC was a biobank resource that collected lung tissue, blood samples, clinical data, and radiographic studies from participants with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, other related idiopathic interstitial pneumonias and interstitial pneumonias associated with connective tissue diseases who undergo medically-indicated lung resection.

MEDication Focused Outpatient Care for Underutilization of Secondary Prevention (MEDFOCUS)

Clinical Trial
January 2015 – September 2018
Resources: Data only

The MEDFOCUS study aimed to evaluate whether a centralized, web-based cardiovascular risk service managed by clinical pharmacists would improve guideline adherence in multiple primary care medical offices with diverse geographic and patient characteristics.

Magnesium in Coronaries (MAGIC)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

MAGIC examined whether early intravenous magnesium treatment of patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction would reduce mortality.

Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

MESA is an ongoing epidemiological study that is investigating the prevalence, correlates, and progression of subclinical CVD and risk factors that predict progression to clinically overt CVD or progression of subclinical disease itself. Data from exams 1-5, events though follow-up year 10, and eleven ancillary studies are available

Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Studies (MHCS)

Epidemiology Study
MHCS-I: 1982-1996 ; MHCS-II: 2001-2005
Resources: Data, DNA, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Plasma, Red Blood Cells, Serum

MHCS-I evaluated and prospectively followed patients with hemophilia or a related coagulation disorder in order to understand the cause and natural history of HIV infection and AIDS in this population which was at high risk for development of AIDS. MHCS-II evaluated and prospectively followed a cohort of subjects with hemophilia who were exposed to hepatitis C virus in order to quantify the rates of liver decompensation, hepatocellular carcinoma, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, evaluate causal markers, identify predictive markers, identify genes that confer susceptibility or resistance, and identify response and complication rates of anti-HCV and anti-HIV treatment regimens.

Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea (MSH)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, DNA, Serum

MSH evaluated whether or not treatment with hydroxyurea titrated to maximum tolerated doses would reduce the frequency of vaso-occlusive (painful) crises by at least 50%. This controlled trial made hydroxyurea the first drug of proven benefit in the prevention of vaso-occlusive pain crisis and acute chest syndrome caused by sickle cell disease.

MRFIT investigated the effect of multiple risk factor intervention on mortality from CHD in high risk men. The intervention group received nutrient intake guidelines, cigarette cessation aids, and hypertension management.

NHLBI Growth and Health Study (NGHS)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, Serum

NGHS assessed racial differences in dietary, physical activity, family, and psychosocial factors associated with the development of obesity from pre-adolescence through maturation between African-American and Caucasian girls. Secondarily, NGHS examined the effects of obesity on CVD risk factors.

NHLBI Umbilical Cord Blood Unit Collection (CBB)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Cord Blood Aliquot, Cord Blood Unit

CBB specimens were collected under the Cord Blood Transplantation Study Cord Blood Banking program with the objective of building an ethnically diverse unrelated cord blood bank and developing standard operating procedures for umbilical cord blood donor recruitment, selection and banking.

National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

NETT compared lung-volume-reduction surgery with medical therapy for severe emphysema, and identified patient selection criteria for lung volume reduction surgery. The current release of the NETT study dataset includes follow-up data through May of 2013.

National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

NLMS was designed to investigate social, economic, demographic and occupational differentials in mortality (total and by cause) within a national sample of the U.S. population.

National Registry of Genetically Triggered Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Cardiovascular Conditions (GenTAC)

Epidemiology Study
October 2006 - September 2016
Resources: Data, Aorta Tissue, Buffy Coat, DNA, EBV Cell Line, Lymphocytes, Plasma, Polymorphonuclear Cells/RBC Pellets

The overall objective of GenTAC was to establish a registry of patients with genetically induced thoracic aortic aneurysms and related cardiovascular conditions, and collect associated medical data, as well as blood and tissue samples and make them available to investigators to advance research in diagnosis and management of genetically induced thoracic aortic aneurysms.

Natural History Study of Non-A, Non-B Post-Transfusion Hepatitis (NANB-TAH)

Epidemiology Study
1988 - 2001
Resources: Data, Serum

NANB-TAH was an extended follow-up study of 5 major prospective studies of transfusion-associated hepatitis that attempted to address the uncertainty about the frequency progression to clinically symptomatic and debilitating chronic liver disease and the frequency of fatal liver disease. The study, designed to track both mortality and morbidity of transfusion-associated non-A, non-B hepatitis, was a natural history evaluation that began at the time of disease onset and monitored subjects for almost 25 years.

New Data Analysis Methods for Actigraphy in Sleep Medicine (MASM)

Epidemiology Study
July 2009 - November 2011
Resources: Data only

MASM measured activity data in subjects with sleep disorders or restless leg syndrome in order to define an object oriented data model for large activity datasets and patient level data, and apply existing and new advanced statistical and visualization methods for activity data.

Novel Influenza A Surveillance Registry (H1N1)

Epidemiology Study
October 2009 – October 2010
Resources: Data only

H1N1 aimed to characterize the demographics, clinical features, outcomes, and resource utilization of patients with H1N1 influenza infection who require intensive care.

Occluded Artery Trial (OAT)

Clinical Trial
September 1999 – May 2011
Resources: Data only

OAT tested the hypothesis that opening an occluded infarct artery 3-28 days after an acute myocardial infarction in stable patients who are at increased long-term risk would reduce mortality, recurrent MI, and congestive heart failure.

Optimal Macronutrient Intake Trial to Prevent Heart Disease (OMNI Heart)

Clinical Trial
2002 - 2008
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine

OMNI Heart compared the effects of three healthy diets, each with reduced saturated fat intake, on blood pressure and serum lipids in adults with pre-hypertension or stage 1 hypertension.

Optimizing Primary Stroke Prevention in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia (STOP II)

Clinical Trial
July 2000 – February 2006
Resources: Data only

STOP II evaluated whether prophylactic transfusion in patients with sickle cell disease and a high risk of stroke can be safely halted after 30 months of treatment during which patients became low risk for stroke.

PREMIER: Lifestyle Interventions for Blood Pressure Control (PREMIER)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, Plasma, Serum, Urine

PREMIER compared the effects on blood pressure of two multi-component behavioral interventions and an advice only group over a period of 18 months. The two behavioral interventions promoted established recommendations that reduce blood pressure and one intervention additionally promoted the DASH diet.

PRIDE was composed of six diversity-focused, mentored-research education programs for early-career investigators engaged in heart, lung, blood, and sleep research.

Patient Registry for Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH Registry)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

The PPH Registry evaluated the natural history, etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.

Pediatric Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Complications of Vertically Transmitted HIV Infection (P2C2)

Epidemiology Study
May 1989 - March 2003
Resources: Data, Serum

P2C2 aimed to determine the prevalence and natural history of pulmonary and cardiac complications associated with HIV infection in utero, in infancy, and during early childhood.

Post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Study (CABG)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

CABG examined the relative effectiveness of moderate versus more aggressive lipid lowering, and of low dose anticoagulation versus placebo, in delaying saphenous vein coronary bypass graft atherosclerosis and preventing occlusion of saphenous grafts of patients with saphenous vein coronary bypass grafts placed 1 to 11 years previously

POWER-UP tested the effectiveness of three primary care practice behavioral interventions in reducing weight. The primary aim was to show that both brief and enhanced brief lifestyle counseling would result in significantly greater weight loss at 24 months than would usual care.

Prematurity and Respiratory Outcomes Program (PROP) Core Database Protocol

Epidemiology Study
August 2011 – March 2016
Resources: Data only

PROP aimed to identify suitable predictors of respiratory outcomes that may serve as surrogate endpoints in future trials of prevention and therapy of respiratory diseases in preterm infants.

Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Resources

The PETAL Network was formed to develop and conduct randomized controlled clinical trials to prevent Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) or provide early treatment to improve the outcome of patients who have ARDS.

The PETAL-ASTER study assessed the utility of plasma cell-free hemoglobin level as a biomarker for future sepsis trials and whether acetaminophen would increase the number of days alive and free of organ support for patients with sepsis and respiratory or circulatory organ dysfunction.

The PETAL-CLOVERS study compared the effects of a restrictive fluid strategy (with early use of vasopressors) to a liberal fluid strategy in patients with sepsis-induced hypotension.

PETAL-LOTUS FRUIT conducted a prospective, observational study of patients with acute respiratory failure to assess the feasibility for a cluster-randomized trial of low-tidal volume ventilation versus usual care in patients with acute respiratory failure.

The PETAL-ORCHID trial evaluated whether hydroxychloroquine is an efficacious treatment for adults hospitalized with COVID-19, with findings that did not support the use of this treatment.

The objective of PETAL-RED CORAL was to collect data for investigation of demographics, clinical characteristics, risk factors, care practices, outcomes and resource utilization of adult patients hospitalized with severe acute COVID-19.

Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network – Biology and Longitudinal Epidemiology of PETAL COVID-19 Observational Study (BLUE CORAL)

Epidemiology Study
June 2020 to March 2022
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, Plasma, Tracheal Aspirate, Urine, Whole Blood

The BLUE CORAL study measured the incidence and changes over time in symptoms, disability, and financial status after COVID-19–related hospitalization to address the knowledge gaps and provide critical data to help guide clinical care, public health, and scientific efforts.

The FIRE CORAL study examined the recovery from COVID-19 disease following acute hospitalization with an emphasis on functional, imaging, and respiratory evaluation, and assessed the feasibility of conducting a larger study to evaluate variables associated with differential recovery.

Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network – Reevaluation of Systemic Early Neuromuscular Blockade (ROSE)

Clinical Trial
January 2016 – April 2019
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Urine, Whole Blood

The goal of PETAL-ROSE was to determine the efficacy and safety of early neuromuscular blockade with concomitant heavy sedation as compared with a strategy of usual care with lighter sedation targets in patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS.

The PETAL-VIOLET study was initiated to evaluate the effect of short-term vitamin D supplementation on mortality among critically ill patients with a vitamin D deficiency.

Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension Study (PATHS)

Clinical Trial
September 1989 – September 1994
Resources: Data only

PATHS examined whether blood pressure is reduced for at least 6 months with an intervention to lower alcohol intake in moderate to heavy drinkers with above optimal to slightly elevated diastolic blood pressure, and whether reduction of alcohol intake can be maintained for 2 years.

Prevention of Events With Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy (PEACE)

Clinical Trial
November 1995 - June 2005
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine

PEACE tested the hypothesis that patients with stable coronary artery disease and normal or slightly reduced left ventricular function derive therapeutic benefit from the addition of ACE inhibitors to conventional therapy.

Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PIOPED)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

PIOPED examined the sensitivities and specificities of ventilation/perfusion lung scans for acute pulmonary embolism.

Prospective Multi-Center Evaluation of the Duration of Therapy for Thrombosis in Children (Kids-DOTT)

Clinical Trial
March 2008 – February 2022
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA

Kids-DOTT tested the hypothesis that a six-week duration of anticoagulant therapy for provoked venous thromboembolism is noninferior to a conventional three-month therapy duration in patients younger than 21 years of age.

Prospective Multicenter Imaging Study for Evaluation of Chest Pain (PROMISE)

Clinical Trial
July 2010 – October 2014
Resources: Data only

PROMISE compared health outcomes in patients presenting with new symptoms suggestive of coronary artery disease that were evaluated using anatomical testing via coronary computed tomographic angiography, as compared to functional testing.

PF-ILD Proteomics was initiated to identify novel plasma biomarkers of progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease and develop a proteomic signature to predict this phenotype.

Psychophysiological Investigation of Myocardial Ischemia (PIMI)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

PIMI investigated psychophysiological factors related to both symptomatic and asymptomatic cardiac ischemia.

Public Access Defibrillation Community Trial (PAD)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

PAD evaluated the broad implementation of Public Access Defibrillators in urban community units. The main outcome measure was survival to hospital discharge of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Puerto Rico Heart Health Program (PRHHP)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

PRHHP investigated morbidity and mortality from CHD in Puerto Rican rural and urban men. The objectives included identifying factors related to the development of CHD, comparing the etiology of disease in rural versus urban men, and determining the prevalence and incidence of CHD and other CVDs in Puerto Rican males.

Pulmonary Complications of HIV Infection Study (PACS)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

PACS evaluated the types, incidence, course, and outcome of pulmonary disorders in newly diagnosed cases of AIDS, newly diagnosed cases of AIDS-related complex and newly diagnosed asymptomatic HIV infection.

Randomized Evaluation of Sedation Titration for Respiratory Failure (RESTORE)

Clinical Trial
January 2009 – December 2013
Resources: Data only

RESTORE evaluated whether critically ill children managed with a nurse-implemented, goal-directed sedation protocol would experience fewer days of mechanical ventilation than patients receiving usual care.

Randomized Order Safety Trial Evaluating Resident-physician Schedules Study (ROSTERS)

Clinical Trial
July 2013 – March 2017
Resources: Data only

The ROSTERS study evaluated whether implementation of a schedule that eliminated shifts ≥24 hours for resident-physicians would result in improved patient safety.

Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment (REACT)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

REACT developed and evaluated the impact of a community educational intervention program on patient delay time from onset of symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction to arrival at a hospital emergency department.

Raynaud's Treatment Study (RTS)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

RTS evaluated and compared the effectiveness of sustained-release nifedipine, and the effectiveness of temperature biofeedback, for the treatment of patients with Primary Raynaud's Phenomenon.

Registry Evaluation of Vital Information for VADs in Ambulatory Life (REVIVAL)

Epidemiology Study
July 2015-August 2018
Resources: Data only

The REVIVAL study targeted a population of ambulatory patients with chronic, advanced systolic heart failure that have known high-risk features for increased mortality and hospitalization to provide a greater understanding of the clinical trajectory of these patients and to determine the relationship between baseline clinical measures and prognosis.

Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Resources

ROC is a clinical trial network focusing on research in the area of prehospital cardiopulmonary arrest and severe traumatic injury.

ROC-ALPS compared the effects of amiodarone, lidocaine, and placebo on survival to hospital discharge after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to shock-refractory ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia.

Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Cardiac Epidemiologic Registry (Cardiac Epistry) Version 1 and 2

Epidemiology Study
December 2005 – November 2011
Resources: Data only

ROC-Cardiac Epistry 1 and 2 was a prospective population-based registry of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest responded to by Emergency Medical Services.

Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Cardiac Epidemiologic Registry (Cardiac Epistry) Version 3

Epidemiology Study
April 2011 – June 2015
Resources: Data only

ROC-Cardiac Epistry 3 was a prospective population-based registry of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest responded to by Emergency Medical Services. Version 3 is separate because of major changes in how and which data were collected.

ROC-CPR investigated whether real-time audio and visual feedback during cardiopulmonary resuscitation outside a hospital increases the proportion of patients who achieved prehospital return of spontaneous circulation.

Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Hypertonic Saline Trial Shock Study (HS) and Traumatic Brain Injury Study (TBI)

Clinical Trial
May 2006 – August 2009 (Shock) | May 2006 – January 2010 (TBI)
Resources: Data only

The Shock Study examined if pre-hospital administration of hypertonic saline/Dextran-70 or hypertonic saline alone as an initial resuscitation fluid, impacts survival following traumatic injury with hypovolemic shock. The TBI Study investigated whether out-of-hospital administration of hypertonic fluids improves neurologic outcome following severe TBI.

ROC-PROPPR assessed whether there is a reduction in massive transfusion complication and mortality rates by comparing subjects who received plasma, platelets, and red blood cells in a 1:1:2 ratio with those who received a more traditional transfusion ratio of 1:1:1.

PART was designed to determine the effect of an initial airway management strategy using laryngeal tube insertion, compared with endotracheal intubation, on survival among adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

ROC-PRIMED examined the use of an Impedance Threshold Device and duration of CPR during cardiac arrest that occurs outside of the hospital and their impact on the number of people who lived to hospital discharge with satisfactory functional status.

Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Prehospital Resuscitation on Helicopter Study (PROHS)

Epidemiology Study
January 2015 – December 2015
Resources: Data only

ROC-PROHS was designed to observe if prehospital resuscitation using red blood cells and/or plasma, compared with crystalloids, resulted in decreased in-hospital mortality of patients with severe traumatic injuries evacuated to level 1 trauma centers on air ambulances.

Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Trauma Epidemiologic Registry (Trauma Epistry)

Epidemiology Study
December 2005 – November 2007
Resources: Data only

ROC-Trauma Epistry was a prospective population-based registry of patients with out-of-hospital traumatic injury responded to by Emergency Medical Services.

ROC-CCC compared the rate of survival to hospital discharge after continuous chest compressions versus standard American Heart Association recommended cardiopulmonary resuscitation with interrupted chest compressions in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study I (REDS I) Resources

The purpose of REDS I was to evaluate the human retroviruses HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-I and HTLV-II in blood donors from U.S. areas with varying risk for HIV. The study established blood specimen repositories for future testing.

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) Allogeneic Donor and Recipient Repository (RADAR)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Plasma, Serum, Whole Blood

REDS-RADAR is a linked donor-recipient collection whose purpose was to determine if newly identified or emerging pathogens can be transmitted by transfusion, and to build a more contemporary donor-recipient repository.

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) General Leukocyte/Plasma Repository (GLPR)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Plasma, Whole Blood

REDS-GLPR specimens were collected to provide researchers with a large representative sample of blood donors with linked demographic data and donation test results. Donor screening and testing included anti-HIV, anti-HCV, anti-HTLV, HBsAg and anti-HBc, serologic testing for syphilis and testing for ALT levels.

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) HTLV Cohort (HTLV)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

The purpose of REDS I was to evaluate the human retroviruses HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-I and HTLV-II in blood donors from U.S. areas with varying risk for HIV. The HTLV Cohort includes HTLV-I infected, HTLV-II infected and uninfected blood donors, all of whom were HIV type 1 seronegative at enrollment.

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study II (REDS II) Resources

REDS II was a series of studies done with the objective of conducting epidemiological, laboratory and survey research on volunteer blood donors within the U.S. to ensure the safety and availability of the US blood supply.

REDS II-CORE aimed to build a well-developed blood donation database and deferral database to provide insight on critical issues within the blood banking community. The databases offer a look at the demographic characteristics of donors including racial/ethnic differences, donation patterns of first-time and repeat donors and deferral trends.

REDS II-RISE was designed to evaluate the effects of blood donation intensity on iron and hemoglobin status, assess factors that could modify that relationship and provide data to help formulate optimal whole blood donation frequency.

REDS II-LAPS was a two phase study. The LAPS-I study was designed to measure the prevalence of HLA and neutrophil antibodies in blood donors with or without a history of pregnancy or blood transfusion and to develop a repository of blood samples from well characterized blood donors whose detailed pregnancy and transfusion histories are known. The LAPS-II study was designed to evaluate a primary endpoint of combined incidence of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and possible TRALI in study recipients of at least one HLA antibody-positive high-plasma-volume component received from a LAPS-I donor versus control recipients of at least one HLA antibody-negative high-plasma-volume component.

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II (REDS II) Molecular Surveillance (MS)

Epidemiology Study
2006 - 2009
Resources: Data only

REDS II-MS conducted a genetic analysis of incident and prevalent strains of HIV, HCV and HBV by testing blood specimens from positive donors. Infected donors were identified among approximately 34 million U.S. blood donations based on screening and confirmatory tests for HIV and HCV nucleic acid testing, HIV and HCV antibody, HBsAg and anti-HBV core antibody.

REDS II-Chagas was a retrospective cohort study meant to characterize the natural history of clinical Chagas disease, measure disease penetrance, and determine prognostic factors of Chagas cardiomyopathy among asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi-infected persons identified 10 years prior to the study.

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study III (REDS III) Resources

REDS III established a research database infrastructure that links data from blood donors and their donations, the components made from these donations, and the recipients of these components.

The REDS-III US Zika Natural History Study sought to investigate the dynamics of viral and serological markers and clinical symptomatology following acute Zika virus infection in blood donors, and collect comprehensive data on viral persistence in blood compartments and body fluids in dengue virus-exposed and -naïve donors.

REDS-III aimed to ensure safe and effective blood banking and transfusion medicine practices through a comprehensive, multifaceted strategy involving basic, translational, and clinical research to improve the benefits of transfusion while reducing its risks.

Rule Out Myocardial Ischemia/Infarction by Computer Assisted Tomography (ROMICAT-II)

Clinical Trial
April 2010 – March 2012
Resources: Data only

ROMICAT-II compared the effectiveness of a coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) based evaluation strategy with that of standard evaluation in the emergency department in reducing hospital stay length for patients with symptoms suggestive of an acute coronary syndrome.

The SCDIC registry aimed to understand the barriers to care and other factors related to reduced healthcare utilization after the transition from pediatric to adult sickle cell disease care which may contribute to increased morbidity and mortality.

Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS)

Epidemiology Study
September 1994 – May 2011
Resources: Data only

SHHS assessed the cardiovascular and other consequences of sleep-disordered breathing and tested whether sleep-disordered breathing is associated with an increased risk of CHD, stroke, all-cause mortality and hypertension.

Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

SOLVD evaluated the effects of enalapril, an ACE inhibitor, on long-term mortality and major morbidity in a group of patients with left ventricular dysfunction. Included were a Prevention Trial of patients with low ejection fraction but no overt symptoms of congestive heart failure, a Treatment Trial of patients with low ejection fraction and symptoms of CHF, and a registry.

Study of Asthma and Nasal Steroids (STAN)

Clinical Trial
September 2010 – June 2015
Resources: Data only

STAN tested whether treatment of chronic sinonasal disease with nasal corticosteroids improves asthma control in children and adults.

CleanUP IPF investigated whether the addition of antimicrobial treatments improves outcomes compared to usual care alone among patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Study of Novel Approaches for Prevention (SNAP)

Clinical Trial
August 2010-September 2018
Resources: Data only

The SNAP trial was designed to test whether behavioral interventions based on self-regulation can prevent weight gain in young adults (18-35 years; body mass index (BMI) 21-30 kg/m2).

Subpopulations and Intermediate Markers in COPD Study (SPIROMICS)

Epidemiology Study
November 2010 – July 2018
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, Bronchial Wash, Oral Wash (Saline), Plasma, Serum, Sputum, Urine

SPIROMICS sought to identify homogeneous subgroups of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients for targeted enrollment in future therapeutic clinical trials, as well as to identify and conduct preliminary validation of intermediate biological or clinical outcomes for use as clinical trial endpoints.

Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT)

Clinical Trial
May 1997 – April 2005
Resources: Data only

SCD-HEFT evaluated the hypothesis that amiodarone or a conservatively programmed shock-only, single-lead implantable cardioverter defibrillator would decrease the risk of death in patients with mild-to-moderate heart failure.

Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure (STICH)

Clinical Trial
January 2002 – November 2015
Resources: Data only

STICH compared medical therapy with coronary bypass surgery and/or surgical ventricular reconstruction for patients with congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease. STICHES extended the follow-up of surviving subjects randomized to the myocardial revascularization hypothesis.

Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)

Clinical Trial
October 2010 – July 2016
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Urine, Urine Pellet/Sediment

SPRINT tested the hypothesis that treating systolic blood pressure to a goal lower than the current recommendation would reduce the incidence of CVD.

Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program (SHEP)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

SHEP assessed the ability of antihypertensive drug treatment to reduce the risk of nonfatal and fatal stroke in isolated systolic hypertension.

T-Cell Depletion in Unrelated Donor Marrow Transplantation (TCD)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

TCD evaluated the impact of ex vivo T-Cell Depletion of marrow as compared with unmodified grafts on disease-free survival in recipients of unrelated donor bone marrow transplants.

The Jackson Heart Study (JHS)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

JHS is an ongoing study that aims to investigate the associations of biological, psychosocial, and behavioral factors with the incidence atherosclerotic events and health outcomes in an African American cohort, and increase access to and the participation of African American populations and scientists in biomedical research and professions. Data from visit 1-3 examination cycles, annual follow-up through 2016, and events through 2014 are available.

The Lung HIV Microbiome Project (LHMP)

Epidemiology Study
October 2009 – November 2015
Resources: Bronchial Lavage, Oral Wash (Saline), Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Plasma

LHMP brought the distinct efforts of six clinical centers together under a single infrastructure, creating a collaborative network. The goals of the project were to characterize the microbiome of the lung and respiratory tract, and enhance understanding of the role of the lung microbiome in preserving health or causing disease and in the divergent effects observed in HIV-infected versus uninfected individuals.

The Study of Soy Isoflavones in Asthma (SOYA)

Clinical Trial
March 2010 – August 2012
Resources: Data only

SOYA evaluated whether participants with poorly controlled asthma would have improved asthma control and lung capacity when prescribed a soy isoflavone supplement versus a placebo.

Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (In-Hospital) (THAPCA-IH)

Clinical Trial
September 2009-February 2016
Resources: Data only

THAPCA-IH evaluated the efficacy of therapeutic hypothermia compared to therapeutic normothermia at increasing survival rates and decreasing neurologic deficits in comatose infants and children who experienced an in-hospital cardiac arrest.

Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (Out of Hospital) (THAPCA-OH)

Clinical Trial
September 2009 - June 2014
Resources: Data only

THAPCA-OH evaluated the efficacy of therapeutic hypothermia compared to therapeutic normothermia at increasing survival rates and decreasing neurologic deficits in infants and children who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Thrombolysis in Myocardial Ischemia Trial II (TIMI II)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Serum

TIMI II assessed whether intravenous tissue-type plasminogen activator given in the early hours of acute myocardial infarction should be followed by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

Thrombolysis in Myocardial Ischemia Trial III (TIMI III)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

TIMI III investigated the role of a thrombotic agent added to conventional medical therapies and compared an early invasive management strategy to a more conservative early strategy in patients with unstable angina and non-Q wave myocardial infarction.

Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis Clinical Trial Network (TMH CTN) Resources

The TMH CTN was established in 2002 in response to a demonstrated need for large multi-institutional clinical trials in transfusion medicine and hemostasis.

The TMH-RECESS study was initiated to compare clinical outcomes after cardiac surgery in patients who received transfused red cells stored for 10 days or less or for 21 days or more.

The TMH-RING study was initiated to compare the safety and effectiveness of granulocyte transfusions along with standard care versus standard care alone in improving survival rates in people with a bacterial or fungal infection during neutropenia.

Transfusion Safety Study (TSS)

Epidemiology Study
1984 - 1997
Resources: Buffy Coat, Plasma, Plasma or Serum, Serum

TSS established two donor-recipient repositories consisting of a serum repository from donors in high AIDS prevalence areas in the U.S. and a plasma and cell repository from blood donors, transfusion and other blood product recipients and control cohorts. The repository has been used to evaluate factors influencing the risk of transfusion-transmitted HIV infection and its progression to clinically significant manifestations.

The TOP study investigated the effects of higher hemoglobin threshold transfusions on neurodevelopmental impairment in extremely-low-birth-weight infants.

Transfusion-Transmitted Viruses Study (TTVS)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Plasma or Serum, Serum

TTVS established a repository of specimens collected from prospectively identified cases of non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis after blood transfusion. The major intentions were to determine the incidence of that occurrence, identify the characteristics of the donors associated with the event and have a resource available to compare laboratory donor screening methods during the study and in subsequent years following completion of the study.

Treatment of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure With an Aldosterone Antagonist (TOPCAT)

Clinical Trial
August 2006 – June 2013
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Urine, Whole Blood

TOPCAT evaluated the effectiveness of aldosterone antagonist therapy in reducing cardiovascular mortality, aborted cardiac arrest, and heart failure hospitalization in patients who have heart failure with preserved systolic function.

Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension and Sickle Cell Disease With Sildenafil Therapy (walk-PHaSST)

Clinical Trial
June 2007 – October 2009
Resources: Data only

Walk-PHaSST assessed whether sildenafil is effective and safe for sickle cell disease patients who develop pulmonary hypertension. The trial was terminated early due to the unforeseen increase in adverse events in participants treated with sildenafil as compared to placebo. Therefore, the majority of subject data were collected from the screening phase of the study.

Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG)

Clinical Trial
September 2000 - August 2008
Resources: Data only

TAAG tested the effectiveness of a multicomponent school-based and community-linked intervention in preventing the decline in physical activity levels and cardiovascular fitness in middle school girls.

TOLSURF assessed whether late surfactant treatment in extremely low gestational age newborn infants requiring ventilation at 7-14 days would safely improve survival without bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Trial of Roflumilast in Asthma Management (TRIM)

Clinical Trial
August 2018-July 2021
Resources: Data only

The TRIM study investigated the efficacy of roflumilast for the treatment of poorly controlled asthma in people with obesity. While roflumilast increased risk of asthma exacerbation, weight loss of at least 5% was associated with improved asthma control.

Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT)

Clinical Trial
September 2003 to August 2012
Resources: Data only

TACT aimed to separately determine if (1) ethylene diamine tetra-acetic (EDTA) chelation therapy and (2) oral multivitamins are safe and effective in reducing cardiovascular events in individuals with a history of myocardial infarction.

Trial to Reduce Alloimmunization to Platelets (TRAP)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

TRAP examined whether the use of platelets from which leukocytes had been removed by a filter or that had been treated with ultraviolet B irradiation would prevent the formation of antiplatelet alloantibodies and refractoriness to platelet transfusions.

Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

Phase I of TOHP was designed to test the short-term feasibility and efficacy of seven non-pharmacologic interventions in persons with high-normal blood pressure. Phase II was designed to test the efficacy of interventions to promote weight loss, sodium reduction, and the combination thereof in decreasing BP and incidence of hypertension in overweight adults with a high-normal diastolic BP.

VA2-TAH was designed to test the efficacy of hepatitis B immune serum globulin for the prevention or modification of post-transfusion hepatitis as compared to immune serum globulin.

Viral Activation Transfusion Study (VATS)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

VATS compared the effects of leukocyte-reduced and unmodified red blood cell transfusions on survival, complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and relevant laboratory markers in HIV-infected patients.

WRAP-IPF was a multicenter randomized clinical trial designed to determine if the reduction of abnormal gastro-esophageal reflux with laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery will slow the progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as measured by forced vital capacity.

Weight Loss Maintenance (WLM)

Clinical Trial
2003 - 2009
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, Plasma, Serum

WLM compared the long-term effects of two weight loss maintenance intervention groups, one receiving behavioral intervention through personal counseling and the other receiving behavioral intervention through web-based individually tailored interactive technology, versus a self-directed/usual care control group.

Women's Angiographic Vitamin and Estrogen Trial (WAVE)

Clinical Trial
Resources: Data only

WAVE investigated the efficacy of estrogen replacement and antioxidant vitamins for preventing angiographic progression of coronary artery disease.

The WHI clinical trial assessed the safety and efficacy of three interventions on CVD, cancer, and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. The interventions of interest were hormone therapy, dietary modification, and calcium/vitamin D supplementation. The WHI observational study examined the relationship between lifestyle, socioeconomic, health, and other risk factors with cardiovascular, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and osteoporotic fracture outcomes in postmenopausal women. Additional data are available from the extension studies and ancillary memory study.

Women's Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE)

Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data only

WISE was designed to: 1) optimize symptom evaluation and diagnostic testing for ischemic heart disease; 2) explore mechanisms for symptoms and myocardial ischemia in the absence of epicardial coronary artery stenoses, and 3) evaluate the influence of reproductive hormones on symptoms and diagnostic test response.

The LILAC substudy was initiated to collect information on cancer treatment and long-term outcomes in women diagnosed with eight selected cancers during their participation in WHI.