Summary of Data and Biospecimen Resources
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A Case Controlled Etiologic Study of Sarcoidosis (ACCESS)
Epidemiology Study
June 1995 - March 2003
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, DNA, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Plasma
ACCESS examined the etiology of sarcoidosis, as well as socioeconomic variables and the clinical course of patients with sarcoidosis, including quality of life.
Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD)
Clinical Trial
September 1999 – June 2009
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Urine
ACCORD investigated if intensive glycemic control, multiple lipid management, and intensive blood pressure control could prevent major cardiovascular events in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The EYE and MIND sub-studies additionally evaluated the interventions' effects on the progression of diabetic retinopathy and the brain (cognition and structure), respectively. The ACCORDION follow-up study examined the long-term effects of the ACCORD treatment strategies.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Resources
ARDSNet is a consortium of clinical centers and a coordinating center intended to design and test novel therapies for the treatment of Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Studies 01 and 03 Lower versus higher tidal volume, ketoconazole treatment and lisofylline treatment (ARMA/KARMA/LARMA)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine
The Karma trial investigated the efficacy and safety of Ketoconazole and Respiratory Management in the treatment of ALI and ARDS. The ARMA component compared two ventilator strategies: a tidal volume of 6 mL/kg versus 12 mL/kg. The LARMA phase of the study investigated the efficacy of Lisofylline and Respiratory Management.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Studies 06 and 08 Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Trial of Aerosolized Albuterol Versus Placebo for the Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (ALTA)
Clinical Trial
August 2007 – November 2008
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, DNA, Plasma, Urine
ARDSNet-ALTA tested the hypothesis that an aerosolized beta-2-agonist, albuterol, would improve clinical outcomes in patients with ALI and ARDS.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Studies 07 and 08 Prospective, Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-controlled, Multi-center Trial of Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Gamma-Linolenic Acid, and Anti-Oxidant Supplementation in the Management of Acute Lung Injury or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Omega)
Clinical Trial
12/2007 – 04/2009
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, DNA, Plasma, Urine
ARDSNet-Omega investigated if dietary supplementation of omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids, ?-linolenic acid and antioxidants to patients with ALI would increase ventilator-free days to study day 28.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Studies 07, 08, 09, 11, and 12 Early Versus Delayed Enteral Feeding to Treat People with Acute Lung Injury or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (EDEN)
Clinical Trial
12/2007 – 5/2011
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, DNA, Plasma, Urine
ARDSNet-EDEN tested if initial lower-volume trophic enteral feeding would increase ventilator-free days and decrease gastrointestinal intolerances compared with initial full enteral feeding in ALI patients.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Studies 10 and 12 Statins for Acutely Injured Lungs from Sepsis (SAILS)
Clinical Trial
2010 - 2013
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Urine
ARDSNet-SAILS assessed the efficacy and safety of oral rosuvastatin in patients with sepsis-induced ALI and test the hypothesis that rosuvastatin therapy would improve the clinical outcomes of critically ill patients with sepsis-associated ARDS.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Study 02 Late Steroid Rescue Study (LaSRS)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, BAL Slides, Bronchial Lavage, Plasma
ARDSNet-LASRS tested the effects of methylprednisolone, a corticosteroid, compared to placebo, on mortality at 60 days in patients with persistent ARDS.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Study 04 Assessment of Low tidal Volume and elevated End-expiratory volume to Obviate Lung Injury (ALVEOLI)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma
ARDSNet-ALVEOLI compared clinical outcomes of patients with ALI and ARDS treated with a higher end-expiratory lung volume/lower FiO2 versus a lower end-expiratory lung volume/higher FiO2 ventilation strategy.
Acute Respiratory Distress Network (ARDSNet) Study 05 Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial (FACTT)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum
ARDSNet-FACTT evaluated the benefits and risks of Pulmonary Artery Catheters (PACs) in patients with established ALI by comparing hemodynamic management guided by a PAC with hemodynamic management guided by a central venous catheter.
Anti-HIV Immunoglobulin in Prevention of Maternal-Fetal HIV Transmission: Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group protocol 185 (PACTG)
Clinical Trial
1991 - 1997
Resources: Data, Cells, Isolates from Culture, Plasma
PACTG was a controlled Phase III trial designed to determine if HIVIG given to HIV-positive pregnant women during the second and third trimester of pregnancy reduced the likelihood of maternal-fetal HIV transmission.
AsthmaNet Resources
AsthmaNet is a nationwide clinical research network that developed and conducted multiple clinical trials that explore new approaches in treating asthma from childhood through adulthood.
AsthmaNet Airway Microbiome in Asthma: Relationships to Asthma Phenotype and Inhaled Corticosteroid Treatment
Clinical Trial
Oct 2012 – July 2014
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma
The MICROBIOME study aimed to compare the bronchial bacterial microbiota in adults with steroid-naive atopic asthma, with atopy but no asthma, and non-atopic healthy subjects; and to determine whether inhaled corticosteroid treatment alters bronchial microbial community composition in adults with asthma.
AsthmaNet Azithromycin for Preventing the Development of Upper Respiratory Tract Illness Into Lower Respiratory Tract Symptoms in Children (APRIL) and Oral Corticosteroids for Treating Episodes of Significant Lower Respiratory Tract Symptoms in Children (OCELOT)
Clinical Trial
March 2011 – January 2015
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma
The APRIL study evaluated the early administration of azithromycin in preschool children with recurrent severe lower respiratory tract illnesses and found that it reduced the likelihood of severe illness. The OCELOT study assessed the efficacy of oral corticosteroids in decreasing the severity of symptoms of children whose episode progressed to recurrent severe wheezing, but the trial was prematurely terminated due to a lack of feasibility.
AsthmaNet Best African American Response to Asthma Drugs (BARD)
Clinical Trial
February 2014 – July 2017
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA, Sputum
The BARD trials evaluated whether patients of African American heritage with inadequately controlled asthma benefit from the addition of a long-acting beta-agonist and/or increased glucocorticoids dosage in order to determine a preferred pharmacotherapy strategy in African American children, adolescents, and adults.
AsthmaNet Individualized Therapy For Asthma in Toddlers (INFANT) and Acetaminophen Versus Ibuprofen in Children With Asthma (AVICA)
Clinical Trial
February 2013 – April 2015
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma
INFANT was designed to determine whether individual young children with mild persistent asthma responded better to one treatment than another and, if so, whether those children can be identified by phenotypic characteristics. AVICA compared the use of acetaminophen to the use of ibuprofen on asthma exacerbations among young children with mild persistent asthma.
AsthmaNet Proof of Concept Study of Alendronate for Asthma (ALFA)
Clinical Trial
January 2015 – September 2016
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma
ALFA aimed to determine whether alendronate can reduce long-acting beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonist-associated loss of bronchoprotection in inhaled corticosteroid-treated patients.
AsthmaNet Step-up Yellow Zone Inhaled Corticosteroids to Prevent Exacerbations (STICS)
Clinical Trial
July 2014-April 2017
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma
AsthmaNet-STICS was a double-blind, parallel-group trial that assessed the efficacy and safety of increasing the dose of inhaled glucocorticoids by a factor of 5 for 7 days in school-age children with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma at the early signs of loss of asthma control.
AsthmaNet Steroids in Eosinophil Negative Asthma (SIENA)
Clinical Trial
July 2014 – May 2018
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA, Sputum
SIENA was designed to compare an inhaled glucocorticoid with placebo and a long-acting muscarinic antagonist with placebo in patients with mild, persistent asthma, according to the patient's sputum eosinophil level at baseline.
AsthmaNet Vitamin D Add-on Therapy Enhances Corticosteroid Responsiveness in Asthma (VIDA)
Clinical Trial
April 2011 – January 2014
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA, Sputum
VIDA was designed to evaluate if vitamin D supplementation would improve the clinical efficacy of inhaled corticosteroids in patients with symptomatic asthma and lower vitamin D levels.
Blood and Marrow Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) Resources
The BMT CTN was established in October 2001 to conduct large multi-institutional clinical trials and address important issues in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in order to enhance treatment approaches.
Blood and Marrow Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) A Phase III Randomized, Multicenter Trial Comparing Sirolimus/Tacrolimus With Tacrolimus/Methotrexate as Graft-versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis After HLA-Matched, Related Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation (0402)
Clinical Trial
November 2006 - October 2015
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, WBC Pellets
BMT CTN 0402 investigated if the combination of tacrolimus and sirolimus (Tac/Sir) was more effective than tacrolimus and methotrexate (Tac/Mtx) in preventing acute graft-versus-host disease and early mortality after allogeneic related donor hematopoietic cell transplantation.
Blood and Marrow Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) A Trial of Tandem Autologous Stem Cell Transplants +/- Post Second Autologous Transplant Maintenance Therapy Versus Single Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Followed by Matched Sibling Non-myeloablative Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant for Patients With Multiple Myeloma (0102)
Clinical Trial
December 2003 - March 2013
Resources: Data, DNA, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Serum, Stem Cells
BMT CTN 0102 compared progression-free survival of patients with multiple myeloma biologically assigned to receive autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation followed either a second auto HCT or by allogeneic transplantation. Patients within the tandem autologous transplantation arm were randomized to receive one year of maintenance therapy with thalidomide plus dexamethasone or observation.
Blood and Marrow Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) Comparing Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation Versus Bone Marrow Transplantation in Individuals With Hematologic Cancers (0201)
Clinical Trial
January 2004 – April 2014
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum
BMT CTN 0201 compared survival rates of patients with hematologic cancers that received transplantation of granulocyte colony stimulating factor mobilized peripheral blood stem cells versus marrow from HLA-compatible unrelated donors.
Clarification of Optimal Anticoagulation Through Genetics (COAG)
Clinical Trial
September 2009 – November 2013
Resources: Data, DNA
COAG tested whether genotype-guided dosing of warfarin improves anticoagulation control during the first 4 weeks of therapy when compared to clinical-guided dosing.
Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease (CSSCD)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, DNA, Serum
CSSCD examined the natural history of sickle cell disease from birth to death in order to identify factors contributing to the morbidity and mortality of the disease. Biospecimens from adult subjects who attended the 2A follow-up study are available for request. Phase 2A of the study examined the progression of organ damage in the heart, lung, kidney and liver in adult cohort patients enrolled in phase 1 of the study.
Cure Sickle Cell Initiative (CureSCi) - Sickle Cell Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank (SCBank)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: CD34+ Cells, CD34- Cells
The goal of the study is to generate a Sickle Cell Disease peripheral blood stem cell repository. Volunteer sickle cell disease patients were mobilized with plerixafor and peripheral blood stem cells were collected by apheresis.
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
Clinical Trial
1993 - 1997
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine
DASH tested the effects of dietary patterns characterized by high intakes of certain minerals and fiber associated with low blood pressure compared with each other and with a control dietary pattern mirroring US consumption.
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension - Sodium Study (DASH-Sodium)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine
As a follow-up to DASH, DASH-Sodium tested the effects of two dietary patterns and three sodium intake levels on blood pressure in pre-hypertensive and stage 1 hypertensive adults.
Dietary Intervention Study in Children (DISC)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Serum
DISC evaluated the efficacy and safety of a lipid lowering diet in 8 to 10 year old children with elevated LDL cholesterol after at least 3 years of follow-up.
Dietary Intervention Study in Children Follow-Up Study (DISC06)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Whole Blood
The DISC06 follow-up study examined the long-term effects of an intervention to lower fat intake among adolescent girls on biomarkers that are related to breast cancer risk in adults.
Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study (HEIRS)
Epidemiology Study
January 2000 - January 2006
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, DNA, Dried Buffy Coat, Lymphocytes, Plasma, Serum
HEIRS evaluated the prevalence, genetic, and environmental determinants and potential clinical, personal, and societal impact of iron overload and hereditary hemochromatosis in adults.
Honolulu Heart Program (HHP)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum
HHP investigated environmental and biological causes of morbidity and mortality from CHD and stoke among Japanese Americans living in Honolulu in comparison to other populations.
Hydroxyurea to Prevent Organ Damage in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia (BABY HUG) Phase III Clinical Trial and Follow-Up Observational Studies I and II
Clinical Trial
August 2000 – September 2009 (Randomized Controlled Trial)
August 2008 – December 2011 (Follow-Up Study I)
January 2012 – December 2016 (Follow-Up Study II)
Resources: Data, DNA
BABY HUG consists of a randomized controlled trial and two observational follow-up studies. The trial found that hydroxyurea can be considered safe and effective for all very young children with sickle cell anemia.
Lung Tissue Research Consortium (LTRC)
Epidemiology Study
March 2005 – February 2019
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Tissue - FFPE Cassettes, Tissue - RNALater Frozen, Tissue - Snap Frozen
The LTRC was a biobank resource that collected lung tissue, blood samples, clinical data, and radiographic studies from participants with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, other related idiopathic interstitial pneumonias and interstitial pneumonias associated with connective tissue diseases who undergo medically-indicated lung resection.
Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Studies (MHCS)
Epidemiology Study
MHCS-I: 1982-1996 ; MHCS-II: 2001-2005
Resources: Data, DNA, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Plasma, Red Blood Cells, Serum
MHCS-I evaluated and prospectively followed patients with hemophilia or a related coagulation disorder in order to understand the cause and natural history of HIV infection and AIDS in this population which was at high risk for development of AIDS. MHCS-II evaluated and prospectively followed a cohort of subjects with hemophilia who were exposed to hepatitis C virus in order to quantify the rates of liver decompensation, hepatocellular carcinoma, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, evaluate causal markers, identify predictive markers, identify genes that confer susceptibility or resistance, and identify response and complication rates of anti-HCV and anti-HIV treatment regimens.
Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea (MSH)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, DNA, Serum
MSH evaluated whether or not treatment with hydroxyurea titrated to maximum tolerated doses would reduce the frequency of vaso-occlusive (painful) crises by at least 50%. This controlled trial made hydroxyurea the first drug of proven benefit in the prevention of vaso-occlusive pain crisis and acute chest syndrome caused by sickle cell disease.
NHLBI Growth and Health Study (NGHS)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Data, Serum
NGHS assessed racial differences in dietary, physical activity, family, and psychosocial factors associated with the development of obesity from pre-adolescence through maturation between African-American and Caucasian girls. Secondarily, NGHS examined the effects of obesity on CVD risk factors.
NHLBI Umbilical Cord Blood Unit Collection (CBB)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Cord Blood Aliquot, Cord Blood Unit
CBB specimens were collected under the Cord Blood Transplantation Study Cord Blood Banking program with the objective of building an ethnically diverse unrelated cord blood bank and developing standard operating procedures for umbilical cord blood donor recruitment, selection and banking.
National Registry of Genetically Triggered Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Cardiovascular Conditions (GenTAC)
Epidemiology Study
October 2006 - September 2016
Resources: Data, Aorta Tissue, Buffy Coat, DNA, EBV Cell Line, Lymphocytes, Plasma, Polymorphonuclear Cells/RBC Pellets
The overall objective of GenTAC was to establish a registry of patients with genetically induced thoracic aortic aneurysms and related cardiovascular conditions, and collect associated medical data, as well as blood and tissue samples and make them available to investigators to advance research in diagnosis and management of genetically induced thoracic aortic aneurysms.
Natural History Study of Non-A, Non-B Post-Transfusion Hepatitis (NANB-TAH)
Epidemiology Study
1988 - 2001
Resources: Data, Serum
NANB-TAH was an extended follow-up study of 5 major prospective studies of transfusion-associated hepatitis that attempted to address the uncertainty about the frequency progression to clinically symptomatic and debilitating chronic liver disease and the frequency of fatal liver disease. The study, designed to track both mortality and morbidity of transfusion-associated non-A, non-B hepatitis, was a natural history evaluation that began at the time of disease onset and monitored subjects for almost 25 years.
Optimal Macronutrient Intake Trial to Prevent Heart Disease (OMNI Heart)
Clinical Trial
2002 - 2008
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine
OMNI Heart compared the effects of three healthy diets, each with reduced saturated fat intake, on blood pressure and serum lipids in adults with pre-hypertension or stage 1 hypertension.
PREMIER: Lifestyle Interventions for Blood Pressure Control (PREMIER)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, Plasma, Serum, Urine
PREMIER compared the effects on blood pressure of two multi-component behavioral interventions and an advice only group over a period of 18 months. The two behavioral interventions promoted established recommendations that reduce blood pressure and one intervention additionally promoted the DASH diet.
Pediatric Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Complications of Vertically Transmitted HIV Infection (P2C2)
Epidemiology Study
May 1989 - March 2003
Resources: Data, Serum
P2C2 aimed to determine the prevalence and natural history of pulmonary and cardiac complications associated with HIV infection in utero, in infancy, and during early childhood.
Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Resources
The PETAL Network was formed to develop and conduct randomized controlled clinical trials to prevent Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) or provide early treatment to improve the outcome of patients who have ARDS.
Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Acetaminophen in Sepsis: Targeted Therapy to Enhance Recovery (ASTER)
Clinical Trial
10/2021 – 7/2023
Resources: Data, Plasma, Urine, Whole Blood
The PETAL-ASTER study assessed the utility of plasma cell-free hemoglobin level as a biomarker for future sepsis trials and whether acetaminophen would increase the number of days alive and free of organ support for patients with sepsis and respiratory or circulatory organ dysfunction.
Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Crystalloid Liberal or Vasopressors Early Resuscitation in Sepsis (CLOVERS)
Clinical Trial
March 2018 - January 2023
Resources: Data, Plasma, Whole Blood
The PETAL-CLOVERS study compared the effects of a restrictive fluid strategy (with early use of vasopressors) to a liberal fluid strategy in patients with sepsis-induced hypotension.
Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network – Biology and Longitudinal Epidemiology of PETAL COVID-19 Observational Study (BLUE CORAL)
Epidemiology Study
June 2020 to March 2022
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, Plasma, Tracheal Aspirate, Urine, Whole Blood
The BLUE CORAL study measured the incidence and changes over time in symptoms, disability, and financial status after COVID-19–related hospitalization to address the knowledge gaps and provide critical data to help guide clinical care, public health, and scientific efforts.
Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network – Functional, imaging, and respiratory evaluation in CORAL (FIRE CORAL)
Epidemiology Study
June 2021 to May 2022
Resources: Data, Plasma, Whole Blood
The FIRE CORAL study examined the recovery from COVID-19 disease following acute hospitalization with an emphasis on functional, imaging, and respiratory evaluation, and assessed the feasibility of conducting a larger study to evaluate variables associated with differential recovery.
Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network – Reevaluation of Systemic Early Neuromuscular Blockade (ROSE)
Clinical Trial
January 2016 – April 2019
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Urine, Whole Blood
The goal of PETAL-ROSE was to determine the efficacy and safety of early neuromuscular blockade with concomitant heavy sedation as compared with a strategy of usual care with lighter sedation targets in patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS.
Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network – Vitamin D to Improve Outcomes by Leveraging Early Treatment (VIOLET)
Clinical Trial
April 2017 – December 2018
Resources: Data, Plasma, Whole Blood
The PETAL-VIOLET study was initiated to evaluate the effect of short-term vitamin D supplementation on mortality among critically ill patients with a vitamin D deficiency.
Prevention of Events With Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy (PEACE)
Clinical Trial
November 1995 - June 2005
Resources: Data, Plasma, Serum, Urine
PEACE tested the hypothesis that patients with stable coronary artery disease and normal or slightly reduced left ventricular function derive therapeutic benefit from the addition of ACE inhibitors to conventional therapy.
Prospective Multi-Center Evaluation of the Duration of Therapy for Thrombosis in Children (Kids-DOTT)
Clinical Trial
March 2008 – February 2022
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, RNA
Kids-DOTT tested the hypothesis that a six-week duration of anticoagulant therapy for provoked venous thromboembolism is noninferior to a conventional three-month therapy duration in patients younger than 21 years of age.
Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study I (REDS I) Resources
The purpose of REDS I was to evaluate the human retroviruses HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-I and HTLV-II in blood donors from U.S. areas with varying risk for HIV. The study established blood specimen repositories for future testing.
Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) Allogeneic Donor and Recipient Repository (RADAR)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Plasma, Serum, Whole Blood
REDS-RADAR is a linked donor-recipient collection whose purpose was to determine if newly identified or emerging pathogens can be transmitted by transfusion, and to build a more contemporary donor-recipient repository.
Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) General Leukocyte/Plasma Repository (GLPR)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Plasma, Whole Blood
REDS-GLPR specimens were collected to provide researchers with a large representative sample of blood donors with linked demographic data and donation test results. Donor screening and testing included anti-HIV, anti-HCV, anti-HTLV, HBsAg and anti-HBc, serologic testing for syphilis and testing for ALT levels.
Subpopulations and Intermediate Markers in COPD Study (SPIROMICS)
Epidemiology Study
November 2010 – July 2018
Resources: Data, Bronchial Lavage, Bronchial Wash, Oral Wash (Saline), Plasma, Serum, Sputum, Urine
SPIROMICS sought to identify homogeneous subgroups of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients for targeted enrollment in future therapeutic clinical trials, as well as to identify and conduct preliminary validation of intermediate biological or clinical outcomes for use as clinical trial endpoints.
Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)
Clinical Trial
October 2010 – July 2016
Resources: Data, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Urine, Urine Pellet/Sediment
SPRINT tested the hypothesis that treating systolic blood pressure to a goal lower than the current recommendation would reduce the incidence of CVD.
The Lung HIV Microbiome Project (LHMP)
Epidemiology Study
October 2009 – November 2015
Resources: Bronchial Lavage, Oral Wash (Saline), Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Plasma
LHMP brought the distinct efforts of six clinical centers together under a single infrastructure, creating a collaborative network. The goals of the project were to characterize the microbiome of the lung and respiratory tract, and enhance understanding of the role of the lung microbiome in preserving health or causing disease and in the divergent effects observed in HIV-infected versus uninfected individuals.
Thrombolysis in Myocardial Ischemia Trial II (TIMI II)
Clinical Trial
Resources: Data, Serum
TIMI II assessed whether intravenous tissue-type plasminogen activator given in the early hours of acute myocardial infarction should be followed by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
Transfusion Safety Study (TSS)
Epidemiology Study
1984 - 1997
Resources: Buffy Coat, Plasma, Plasma or Serum, Serum
TSS established two donor-recipient repositories consisting of a serum repository from donors in high AIDS prevalence areas in the U.S. and a plasma and cell repository from blood donors, transfusion and other blood product recipients and control cohorts. The repository has been used to evaluate factors influencing the risk of transfusion-transmitted HIV infection and its progression to clinically significant manifestations.
Transfusion-Transmitted Viruses Study (TTVS)
Epidemiology Study
Resources: Plasma or Serum, Serum
TTVS established a repository of specimens collected from prospectively identified cases of non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis after blood transfusion. The major intentions were to determine the incidence of that occurrence, identify the characteristics of the donors associated with the event and have a resource available to compare laboratory donor screening methods during the study and in subsequent years following completion of the study.
Treatment of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure With an Aldosterone Antagonist (TOPCAT)
Clinical Trial
August 2006 – June 2013
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, DNA, Plasma, Serum, Urine, Whole Blood
TOPCAT evaluated the effectiveness of aldosterone antagonist therapy in reducing cardiovascular mortality, aborted cardiac arrest, and heart failure hospitalization in patients who have heart failure with preserved systolic function.
VA Cooperative Study of the Efficacy of Hepatitis Immune Serum Globulin for the Prevention or Modification of Post-Transfusion Hepatitis (VA2-TAH)
Clinical Trial
1972 – 1976
Resources: Data, Serum
VA2-TAH was designed to test the efficacy of hepatitis B immune serum globulin for the prevention or modification of post-transfusion hepatitis as compared to immune serum globulin.
Weight Loss Maintenance (WLM)
Clinical Trial
2003 - 2009
Resources: Data, Buffy Coat, Plasma, Serum
WLM compared the long-term effects of two weight loss maintenance intervention groups, one receiving behavioral intervention through personal counseling and the other receiving behavioral intervention through web-based individually tailored interactive technology, versus a self-directed/usual care control group.