Absence of evidence of infection with divergent primate T-lymphotropic viruses in United States blood donors who have seroindeterminate HTLV test results.
Pubmed ID: 10773057
Journal: Transfusion
Publication Date: April 1, 2000
MeSH Terms: Humans, United States, Blood Donors, Mass Screening, Polymerase Chain Reaction, HTLV-I Infections, HTLV-II Infections, Animals, HTLV-I Antibodies, HTLV-II Antibodies, Pan paniscus, Papio
Grants: N01-HB-97078, N01-HB-47117, N01-HB-97077
Authors: Busch MP, Murphy EL, Switzer WM, Thomson R, Heneine W
Cite As: Busch MP, Switzer WM, Murphy EL, Thomson R, Heneine W. Absence of evidence of infection with divergent primate T-lymphotropic viruses in United States blood donors who have seroindeterminate HTLV test results. Transfusion 2000 Apr;40(4):443-9.
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) Allogeneic Donor and Recipient Repository (RADAR)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) General Leukocyte/Plasma Repository (GLPR)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) HTLV Cohort (HTLV)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS) Human Herpes Virus 8 Special Collection from the General Leukocyte/Plasma Repository (HHV8)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS): Special Repository Collections (SR)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II (REDS II) Donation and Deferral Database (CORE)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II (REDS II) Donor Iron Status Evaluation Study (RISE)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II (REDS II) Leukocyte Antibodies Prevalence Study (LAPS)
- Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II (REDS II) Molecular Surveillance (MS)
BACKGROUND: Recent identification of divergent simian or primate T-lymphotropic viruses (STLVs; PTLVs) in bonobos (formerly called pygmy chimpanzees; Pan paniscus; viruses: STLVpan-p and STLVpp1664) and a baboon (Papio hamadryas; viruses: STLVph969 or PTLV-L) have raised the possibility of human infection with these viruses. Divergent PTLV-infected primate sera show p24 bands on HTLV-I Western blots (WBs). It was investigated whether infection by divergent PTLV-like viruses could explain a subset of United States blood donors who reacted on HTLV-I EIAs and had indeterminate HTLV-I WBs with p24 bands. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Epidemiologic characteristics of 1889 donors with HTLV-I-indeterminate WBs were compared to those of donors with confirmed retrovirus infections (393 with HIV, 201 with HTLV-I, 513 with HTLV-II) and 1.6 million donors with nonreactive screening tests. To directly probe for infection with divergent PTLVs, 2 HTLV-I-indeterminate donors born in Africa and 269 representative non-African-born donors with p24 bands on HTLV-I WBs (previously shown to be negative for HTLV-I and -II DNA by PCR) were selected for PTLV PCR analysis. DNA from peripheral blood MNC samples was tested for a proviral tax sequence by PCR using generic primers that amplify HTLV-I, HTLV-II, and the divergent PTLVs. Amplified tax sequences were detected by Southern blot hybridization to a (32)P-labeled generic PTLV probe. PCR-positive samples could then be typed by hybridization with virus-specific internal probes that differentiate HTLV-I, HTLV-II, PTLV-L, and STLVpan-p. RESULTS: In the epidemiologic analysis, HTLV-indeterminate status was independently associated with age of at least 25 years (OR = 2.19; 95% CI, 1.93-2.49), black (OR = 3.27; 95% CI, 2.90-3.67) or Hispanic (OR = 1.82; 95% CI, 1.52-2.16) race or ethnicity, and donation at one blood center (Baltimore) (OR = 1. 30; 95% CI, 1.11-1.53). None of the 271 HTLV-I WB-indeterminate samples tested positive by generic PTLV PCR analysis. CONCLUSION: Although the epidemiologic data suggest the possibility of undiagnosed HTLV-I, HTLV-II, or a cross-reactive virus such as PTLV among older, black, and Hispanic blood donors, the PCR data do not support the presence of divergent PTLV infection among US blood donors with HTLV-I-indeterminate results.