Investigating HIV-Associated Lung Disease (INHALD)

Non-BioLINCC Resource: This resource is managed by the Study group. For information on obtaining specimens and/or data, follow the Study Website link below.

Study Type
Epidemiology Study

Collection Type
Non-BioLINCC Resource

Study Period
9/26/2013 - 7/31/2020

Clinical Trial URLs

Primary Publication URLs

Parent Study Contact
Eryka Wentz,


Specific Consent Restrictions
Each INHALD site is individually funded with protocols reviewed and approved by their local IRB office. For information on a specific site's consent restrictions, please email


The NHLBI established the INHALD network in September of 2013 to investigate and define cellular and molecular events of HIV-associated lung diseases. The INHALD network is made up of eight clinical and basic research sites, and one data analysis and coordinating center. Each site is individually funded and has its own scientific aims, objectives, and protocols. The network includes two sites at the University of Colorado, Denver, Washington University, St. Louis, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts General Hospital, Indiana University, University of Louisville, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, and LAMDACC (Lung AIDS/HIV Mechanisms Data Analysis and Coordinating Center).


Effective antiretroviral therapy regimens (ART) have resulted in the long-term survival of persons living with HIV (PLWH) and a rapidly expanding aging PLWH population. Infectious HIV-associated lung diseases (e.g., pneumonia and TB) and noninfectious HIV-related lung diseases (e.g., COPD and lung cancer) are much more prevalent in older individuals and are increasingly causes of morbidity and mortality. The pathogenesis of HIV-associated lung diseases and accelerated senescence of the lungs, which appear to be closely connected, are not well understood. As a result of these gaps in understanding, the ability to predict risk, provide accurate prognosis, and develop effective preventive or treatment therapies is lacking.


Each INHALD site developed inclusion/exclusion criteria based on their individual study objectives. An overall description of INHALD subjects includes:

Males and females (adult)
HIV-infected, HIV-uninfected
Current smokers, former smokers, non-smokers
ART-experienced, ART-naïve
PAH, non-PAH

Disease Classification

HIV infection
Chronic lung inflammation
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Redox stress




Resources Available

Specimens and Study Datasets

Materials Available

  • Bronchial Lavage
  • Buffy Coat
  • Oral Wash (Saline)
  • Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
  • Plasma
  • Scope mouthwash rinse
  • Serum
  • Whole Blood

Study Documents

  • There is no Data Dictionary associated with this study.

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