Framingham Heart Study (FHS) Third Generation (Gen III), OMNI 2, and New Offspring (NOS) Cohorts
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Accession Number
Study Type
Epidemiology Study
Collection Type
Open BioLINCC Study
See bottom of this webpage for request information
Study Period
2002 -
NHLBI Division
Dataset(s) Last Updated
April 8, 2024
Study Website
Clinical Trial URLs
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The Framingham Heart Study Group requires that the requestor must obtain full or expedited IRB/Ethics Committee review and approval to obtain these data. Waivers or a determination that the research is exempt from ethical regulations do not suffice.
Related Studies
FHS (non-BioLINCC),
Commercial Use Data Restrictions Yes
Data Restrictions Based On Area Of Research No
Specific Consent Restrictions
Consent for use of data by commercial investigators is tiered.
Available Data
Data available for request include Framingham Generation 3 examination data from the first 3 clinical exams, selected ancillary data and event follow-up through 2019. Also included are the OMNI 2 and New Offspring (NOS) cohorts.
The principal objectives of the Third Generation of Framingham are to expand on identifying genetic and environmental risk factors related to the development of cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases to three generations of Framingham Heart Study participants, and to identify determinants of risk factors, subclinical and clinical manifestations of cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases, over the life course.
Thirty-one years after enrollment began for the second generation of the Framingham Heart Study (Framingham Offspring Study), Framingham investigators began enrolling adults with at least one parent enrolled in the Offspring study into the Framingham Generation 3 cohort. The addition of the third generation was expected to facilitate investigation of secular trends in risk factors and indicators of health and disease within families, to enhance statistical power to detect genetic and environmental determinants of complex diseases, and to clarify how subclinical cardiovascular disease predicts occurrence of overt clinical events.
4095 men and women, almost all who self reported their ethnicity as white, ages 19+ years at entry, with at least one parent in the Framingham Offspring study, participated in the Gen III cohort.
The New Offspring Cohort enrolled spouses of Offspring participants that were not otherwise enrolled and had at least two biological children participating in Gen III. 103 New Offspring Spouses (47 men and 56 women) participated. The OMNI 2 cohort enrolled additional ethnically diverse participants, including many individuals related to the participants of Omni Cohort 1 and also individuals unrelated to Omni Cohort 1 members for a total of 410 new participants.
The children of Offspring Cohort participants were initially identified who would be 20 years of age or older by the end of the enrollment period. A higher priority for recruitment was assigned to individuals who belonged to large extended families, in order to complement phenotypic and genotypic information already obtained from prior generations. The baseline examination was begun in 2002 and completed in 2005. A second examination (2009-2011) has also been completed in the cohort.
The baseline data for the third generation of the Framingham Heart Study includes questionnaire, blood pressure, ECG, Pulmonary Function Test, and laboratory measurements as well as events reviewed and adjudicated through 2007. The cardiovascular measures under study includes: coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coronary insufficiency and sudden and non-sudden death), stroke, hypertension, peripheral arterial disease and congestive heart failure.
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