Framingham Heart Study (FHS) Offspring (OS) and OMNI 1 Cohorts
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Accession Number
Study Type
Epidemiology Study
Collection Type
Open BioLINCC Study
See bottom of this webpage for request information
Study Period
NHLBI Division
Dataset(s) Last Updated
January 17, 2024
Study Website
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The Framingham Heart Study Group requires that the requestor must obtain full or expedited IRB/Ethics Committee review and approval to obtain these data. Waivers or a determination that the research is exempt from ethical regulations do not suffice.
Related Studies
FHS (non-BioLINCC),
Commercial Use Data Restrictions Yes
Data Restrictions Based On Area Of Research No
Specific Consent Restrictions
Consent for use of data by commercial investigators is tiered.
Available Data
Data available for request include Framingham Offspring examination data from the first 9 clinical exams and selected ancillary data and event follow-up through 2019. Also included are the first 4 exams from the OMNI 1 cohort.
The objectives of the Framingham Offspring Study are to study the incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors, trends in CVD incidence and its risk factors over time, family patterns of CVD and risk factors. Less prominent but important objectives include the estimation of incidence rates of disease and description of the natural history of cardiovascular disease, including the sequence of clinical signs and systems that precede the clinically recognizable syndrome, and the consequences and course of clinically manifest disease.
With the aging of the Framingham cohort and with interest in familiar aggregation and heritability, a new cohort consisting of the offspring of the original cohort was sampled. Spouses of offspring were also included. This new sample, begun in 1971, constituted a second generation of participants, permitted new assessment of risk factors and outcomes, and provided a resource for the genetic analyses which were yet to come. The Offspring participants have had repeated examinations, though at longer intervals than the cohort.
5,124 men and women, ages 5-70 years at entry consisting of offspring of the original Framingham cohort (and spouses of the offspring) participated in the study.
In 1994, the Omni Cohort 1 enrolled 507 men and women of African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Pacific Islander and Native American origins, who at the time of enrollment were residents of Framingham and the surrounding towns.
By 1975, a sample of 5,124 men and women, consisting of offspring of the original Framingham cohort (and spouses of the offspring) had participated in the study. Additional studies of these subjects continued under research contracts. Participants have completed six examinations with intervals of four to six years and have been followed for morbidity and mortality over that time period.
The cardiovascular disease conditions under investigation include coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coronary insufficiency and sudden and non-sudden death), stroke, hypertension, peripheral arterial disease and congestive heart failure.
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Resources Available
Study Datasets OnlyStudy Documents
Data Dictionary (PDF - 85.6 MB)
30-Year Followup (Section 34) (PDF - 761.7 KB)
Eye Exam Documentation (PDF - 792.0 KB)
Framingham Eye Study II (FES II) Manual of Procedures (January 1988) (PDF - 1.3 MB)
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