Secular declines in the association between obesity and mortality in the United States.

Pubmed ID: 22110257

Pubmed Central ID: PMC3220918

Journal: Population and development review

Publication Date: Jan. 1, 2011

MeSH Terms: Humans, Longevity, United States, Middle Aged, Life Expectancy, History, 20th Century, Mortality, Public Health, Obesity, Population Dynamics, History, 21st Century, Population Groups

Grants: T32 AG000177, T32 AG000177-19

Authors: Mehta NK, Chang VW

Cite As: Mehta NK, Chang VW. Secular declines in the association between obesity and mortality in the United States. Popul Dev Rev 2011;37(3):435-51.



Recent research suggests that rising obesity will restrain future gains in US life expectancy and that obesity is an important contributor to the current shortfall in us longevity compared to other high-income countries. Estimates of the contribution of obesity to current and future national-level mortality patterns are sensitive to estimates of the magnitude of the association between obesity and mortality at the individual level. We assessed secular trends in the obesity/mortality association among cohorts of middle-aged adults between 1948 and 2006 using three long-running US data sources: the Framingham Heart Study, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and the National Health Interview Survey. We find substantial declines over time in the magnitude of the association between obesity and overall mortality and, in certain instances, cardiovascular-specific mortality. We conclude that estimates of the contribution of obesity to current national-level mortality patterns should take into account recent reductions in the magnitude of the obesity and mortality association.