BioLINCC Resource Overview
Study Datasets and Biospecimens in the Open Period
Study datasets and/or biospecimens from numerous clinical and epidemiological studies are currently available as Open Period collections.
Most of these have study datasets only; some have both study datasets and biospecimens; and others have biospecimens with limited vial
characterization data but not full study datasets. These are available by application through the BioLINCC website, subject to established review
processes for their distribution to qualified investigators. For more information on what to expect during the request process access
Section 3.0 of the BioLINCC Handbook.
This website allows all users to search and view information on these studies, such as study overview, study documents, and biospecimen counts by material type (if applicable). Investigators wishing to request materials from studies in the Open Period must register (free) on the BioLINCC website. Registered investigators may then request detailed searches and submit an application for data sets and/or biospecimens. To search and/or access a list of the studies with available resources, continue to the All Studies page. If the appropriate data and/or biospecimens are not found, an Availability Request may be submitted to BioLINCC.
Teaching and Public Use Datasets
The NHLBI has prepared three datasets suitable for use in an undergraduate or graduate level biostatistics instruction program. Any of these datasets may be requested at no charge. Website registration is required. To request a dataset for use in an undergraduate or graduate level biostatistics instruction program access the Teaching and Public Use Datasets page.
The NHLBI also provides access to data files of population-based US national surveys related to mortality along with extensive demographic, social, economic and occupation information. These Public Use datasets can be requested at the link provided above.
Non-BioLINCC Resources
The BioLINCC website also provides a list of data and biospecimen resources that may be helpful to the general research community, but are not maintained by BioLINCC. The application, specimen search and review processes for these collections is wholly managed by their sponsors. This list of external sites and biobanking information resources can be found on the Non-BioLINCC Resources page.