Transfusion transmission of HCV, a long but successful road map to safety.

Pubmed ID: 23322562

Pubmed Central ID: PMC3725987

Journal: Antiviral therapy

Publication Date: Jan. 1, 2012

MeSH Terms: Humans, RNA, Viral, United States, Prevalence, Blood Donors, Mass Screening, Viremia, Blood Transfusion, Hepacivirus, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C Antibodies, Blood Banks, Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques, Blood Safety, Developing Countries, Hepatitis C Antigens, Transfusion Reaction

Grants: R21 HL112658

Authors: Busch MP, Selvarajah S

Cite As: Selvarajah S, Busch MP. Transfusion transmission of HCV, a long but successful road map to safety. Antivir Ther 2012;17(7 Pt B):1423-9. Epub 2012 Dec 7.



Improved blood banking practices and the development and implementation of increasingly sensitive serological and nucleic acid amplification technology assays for screening donors for HCV over the past few decades have helped minimize the residual risk from transfusion transmitted HCV in the developed world. Furthermore, studies of transfusion transmitted infections and of donors identified as infected by routine screening have provided significant insights into HCV transmission, epidemiology and pathogenesis. However, transfusion transmission of HCV is still a significant route of infection in the developing world. Key preventive mechanisms to ensure safe blood include elimination of paid donors and development of national donor pools comprising volunteer repeat blood donors, combined with implementation of standardized and maximally sensitive screening assays for HCV. There is also a need to develop up-to-date data on HCV disease burden on a global scale, in part, derived from systematic screening of donors for HCV infection. We suggest the creation of blood donor databases and specimen repositories, both at national and international levels, to facilitate epidemiological surveillance and pathogenesis and treatment studies in the future.