Self-reported teenage body size and heart failure in adults ≥65years of age.

Pubmed ID: 21470704

Pubmed Central ID: PMC3110576

Journal: International journal of cardiology

Publication Date: June 16, 2011

MeSH Terms: Humans, Aged, Risk Factors, Adolescent, Heart Failure, Incidence, Overweight, Body Weight, Body Size

Grants: R01 HL085561, R01-HL085561, R01 HL085561-04, R01 HL097047, R01 HL097047-01, R01-HL097047, K12-HS019465, K12 HS019465

Authors: Ahmed A, Mujib M, Anker SD, Feller MA, Jones LG, Sawyer P, Levitan EB

Cite As: Levitan EB, Mujib M, Feller MA, Jones LG, Sawyer P, Anker SD, Ahmed A. Self-reported teenage body size and heart failure in adults ≥65years of age. Int J Cardiol 2011 Jun 16;149(3):401-2. Epub 2011 Apr 5.

