Mechanical power and driving pressure as predictors of mortality among patients with ARDS.

Pubmed ID: 32504104

Pubmed Central ID: PMC7273377

Journal: Intensive care medicine

Publication Date: Oct. 1, 2020

MeSH Terms: Humans, Respiration, Artificial, Positive-Pressure Respiration, Tidal Volume, Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Grants: UL1 TR001067, U01 HL123018, UL1 TR002538, U01HL123018, R01HL144624, UL1TR002538, K23GM129661, K23HL141596, K23 GM129661, K23 HL141596, R01 HL144624

Authors: Brown SM, Tonna JE, Peltan I, Herrick JS, Keenan HT, Grissom CK, Presson AP, Vasques F

Cite As: Tonna JE, Peltan I, Brown SM, Herrick JS, Keenan HT, University of Utah Mechanical Power Study Group. Mechanical power and driving pressure as predictors of mortality among patients with ARDS. Intensive Care Med 2020 Oct;46(10):1941-1943. Epub 2020 Jun 5.

