NHLBI Biorepository Guide
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The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has supported the collection of biospecimens and data from participants in epidemiology studies and clinical trials (Studies) for over six decades. Many of the biospecimen collections continue to be used for future studies by the Study group or by non-Study investigators accessing the collections stored in the NHLBI Biologic Specimen Repository (Biorepository) through this website.
To assist Studies interested in building collections that are fit for the purpose intended and fit for future scientific use, the NHLBI Biorepository developed the "Guide to Building Biospecimen Collections for Study and Future Research Use" (Guide). The Guide includes information on the planning, collection, processing, storage and tracking of biospecimens on clinical studies and is intended to supplement, not replace, the procedures used by the Study.
It is strongly recommended that Studies regularly refer to this Guide throughout the active Study phase to ensure that the processes used for sample acquisition and preservation are appropriate and effective.
This brief video illustrates the benefits of creating a quality biospecimen collection that can serve as a valuable resource for medical science research and highlights the availability of the NHLBI Biorepository Guide: Building Collections for Study and Future Research. A summary of the key elements that are essential to successfully build a quality scientific resource are included in the video; examples of the benefits to the original study and the scientific community of engaging in this activity are also provided.