West Nile Virus Study (WNV) - Catalog
West Nile Virus Study (WNV)
Epidemiology Study
Open BioLINCC Study
09/2009 – 08/2011
Transfusion Medicine
Not Applicable (Specimens Only)
Not Applicable (Specimens Only)
Blood Donors
West Nile Virus
The goal of the study was to enroll West Nile Virus (WNV) viremic donors into longitudinal natural history study, and characterize viral and immunological parameters.
WNV is the third most important mosquito-borne virus after malaria and dengue virus. Humans are infected by mosquito bites, blood transfusion and organ transplantation. While most infections are asymptomatic or mild, causing a self-limiting febrile illness, the young, old and immunocompromised individuals are at greater risk for severe, sometimes fatal disease. WNV first appeared in the US in 1999 raising concerns for blood supply safety. In the US epidemic of 2002 there were 23 cases of transfusion-transmitted infections (Pealer et al., NEJM 2003). The virus has spread rapidly across the US such that by the end of 2003 there were 19,000 documented cases of WNV infections in the US with 750 fatalities. Testing the blood supply was implemented in 2003. By 2013, 12 transfusion-associated WNV transmissions have been documented in the US.
A total of 63 WNV+ subjects, of which 54 WNV+ had symptom questionnaires and longitudinal samples collected for characterization and inclusion in the database and repository. Approximately half the subjects developed symptomatic disease based on the study criteria.
The subjects were identified when they presented themselves for blood donation and tested positive for WNV by nucleic acid testing (NAT). They were then contacted and enrolled in the study. On or around week 2 post blood donation, the subjects completed symptom questionnaires and provided a blood sample. Blood samples were also collected on weeks 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and at 6, 9 and 12 months following the donation of the initial WNV+ blood donation that tested. Immunologic and viral studies were performed on the blood samples and aliquots were stored in the sample repository.
Packed Cells
Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Whole Blood
Please note that biospecimen availability is subject to review by the NHLBI, BioLINCC, and the NHLBI Biorepository. Certain biospecimens may not be made available for your request.
Section 3.0 of the BioLINCC Handbook
describes the components of the review process.
Material Types
Last Modified: Nov. 30, 2015, 4:09 p.m. -
General Freeze/Thaw Status
Visits (Vials)
Plasma Packed Cells Whole Blood PBMC Total Index 531 98 0 0 629 Week 1 518 42 36 518 1114 Week 2 613 52 36 523 1224 Week 3 559 52 36 559 1206 Week 4 596 44 37 565 1242 Week 6 530 50 37 612 1229 Month 2 548 48 34 554 1184 Month 3 482 33 30 553 1098 Month 6 439 56 34 535 1064 Month 9 463 79 32 449 1023 Month 12 437 73 30 489 1029
Last Modified: Feb. 13, 2024, 11:05 a.m. -
Visits (Subjects)
Plasma Total number of subjects Average volume (ml) per subject Index 38 27.87 Week 1 54 17.11 Week 2 54 20.20 Week 3 53 18.85 Week 4 53 20.06 Week 6 53 17.82 Month 2 49 19.06 Month 3 45 19.08 Month 6 47 16.64 Month 9 47 17.63 Month 12 46 16.89 Whole Blood Total number of subjects Average volume (ml) per subject Week 1 36 7.83 Week 2 36 7.81 Week 3 36 7.78 Week 4 37 7.84 Week 6 37 7.81 Month 2 34 7.79 Month 3 30 7.87 Month 6 34 7.88 Month 9 32 7.63 Month 12 30 7.67 Packed Cells Total number of subjects Average vials per subject Index 37 2.65 Week 1 42 1.00 Week 2 52 1.00 Week 3 52 1.00 Week 4 44 1.00 Week 6 50 1.00 Month 2 48 1.00 Month 3 33 1.00 Month 6 41 1.37 Month 9 47 1.68 Month 12 43 1.70 PBMC Total number of subjects Average vials per subject Week 1 54 9.59 Week 2 54 9.69 Week 3 53 10.55 Week 4 53 10.66 Week 6 53 11.55 Month 2 49 11.31 Month 3 45 12.29 Month 6 47 11.38 Month 9 47 9.55 Month 12 46 10.63
Last Modified: Feb. 13, 2024, 11:06 a.m.