Transfusion-Transmitted Viruses Study (TTVS) - Catalog
Transfusion-Transmitted Viruses Study (TTVS)
(NANB-TAH) Natural History Study of Non-A, Non-B Post-Transfusion Hepatitis (NANB-TAH)
Epidemiology Study
Open BioLINCC Study
Transfusion Medicine
Not Applicable (Specimens Only)
Not Applicable (Specimens Only)
Consent for both genetic and non-genetic use of biospecimens is restricted to studies involving transfusion safety.
NANB Hepatitis
To establish a repository of specimens collected from prospectively identified cases of non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis after blood transfusion. The major intentions were to determine the incidence of that occurrence, identify the characteristics of the donors associated with the event, and have a resource available to compare laboratory donor screening methods during the study and in subsequent years following completion of the study.
From July 1974 through June 1980, the TTVS group prospectively identified cases of NANB hepatitis in a cohort of 1,533 transfused patients hospitalized short-term for various routine operative procedures. The TTVS collection has been used in a variety of studies, such as the evaluation and validation of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) immunoassays in screening blood donors (1). In addition, specimens have been requested to evaluate poorly characterized hepatotropic viruses, transmissibility of new viruses (hepatitis G, HHV-8) by transfusion, and the dynamics of HBV/HCV viral replication and seroconversion in recipients.
Serum specimens from 5,655 blood donors were collected from 4 participating blood centers distributed across the US. 3,121 patients were consented to participate in a study of viral hepatitis after blood transfusion. The majority of patients were scheduled for elective surgery. Of these subjects, 1,533 subsequently received blood transfusions. Both transfusion recipients and control subjects that did not require transfusion were observed and blood was collected prior to surgery or pre-transfusion and again during visits at 2-3 week intervals during the first 6 months following the transfusion episode and again between 8-10 months.
A subset of this cohort was subsequently recruited into the Natural History Study of Non-A, Non-B Post Transfusion Hepatitis (NANB-TAH) that also has data and biospecimens available. Subjects cannot be linked between these two studies.
The collection originally consisted of aliquots of serum acquired at patient observation visits and from the collection agency for every donor to each TTVS recipient. These sera included the pre-transfusion or pre-surgical specimen, all interval blood draws from these patients and the non-transfused control patients, a specimen from the donor at the time of blood collection and in a subpopulation of donors a follow-up specimen from donors implicated in suspected cases of transfusion transmitted hepatitis and a matched set of non-implicated donors.
The TTVS collection provides sera from a large transfusion donor-recipient study in which an untransfused control population with reasonably matched characteristics and of adequate size is available.
- Mosley JW, et al. (1990) Non-A, non-B hepatitis and antibody to hepatitis C virus. JAMA 263(1):77-78.
Plasma or Serum
Please note that biospecimen availability is subject to review by the NHLBI, BioLINCC, and the NHLBI Biorepository. Certain biospecimens may not be made available for your request.
Section 3.0 of the BioLINCC Handbook
describes the components of the review process.
Material Types
General Freeze/Thaw Status
Visits (Vials)
Last Modified: Dec. 6, 2018, 5:04 p.m. -
Visits (Subjects)
Plasma or Serum Total number of subjects Average volume (ml) per subject Recipient Visit 1 985 0.22 Recipient Visit 2 21 0.25 Recipient Visit 3 32 0.26 Recipient Visit 4 85 0.24 Recipient Visit 5 293 0.25 Recipient Visit 6 773 0.26 Recipient Visit 7 203 0.25 Recipient Visit 8 289 0.25 Recipient Visit 9 696 0.26 Recipient Visit 10 247 0.24 Recipient Visit 11 305 0.24 Recipient Visit 12 591 0.24 Recipient Visit 13 165 0.23 Recipient Visit 14 49 0.24 Recipient Visit 15 27 0.22 Recipient Visit 16 19 0.21 Recipient Visit 17 13 0.21 Recipient Visit 18 14 0.19 Recipient Visit 19 8 0.18 Recipient Visit 20 7 0.19 Recipient Visit 21 3 0.20 Recipient Visit 22 5 0.17 Recipient Visit 24 2 0.15 Recipient Visit 25 1 0.05 Donor 1 939 0.23 Donor 2 770 0.23 Donor 3 474 0.23 Donor 4 334 0.23 Donor 5 253 0.22 Donor 6 180 0.23 Donor 7 126 0.23 Donor 8 90 0.21 Donor 9 58 0.21 Donor 10 32 0.20 Donor 11 31 0.21 Donor 12 18 0.22 Donor 13 11 0.20 Donor 14 4 0.24 Donor 15 3 0.23
Last Modified: Dec. 6, 2018, 5:04 p.m.